‘Hart of Dixie’ season 2 spoilers: Wilson Bethel promises more Zoe / Wade

If you are firmly on team Zoe / Wade at the moment on “Hart of Dixie,” you’re probably in for a pretty good season if you are listening to what Rachel Bilson is saying at the moment. We’ve already seen plenty of shirtless Wade, trash talk over video games, and make-out sessions even when they are nearly avoided, and just about all of this seems to be continuing moving forward to the midway point of season 2.

Just in case you want to hear the scoop come straight from the actor’s mouth, here is what Wilson Bethel (via Entertainment Weekly) had to say recently about all sorts of action for the two characters to be excited about:

“Zoe and Wade fans will be pleased to see where this season is going … It’s not all roses by any means, but it’s a lot of fun Zoe-and-Wade stuff. For fans who’ve picked that side in the love triangle, they’ll be pleased.”

From our standpoint, what also makes this pairing fun is that there never really does seem to be any promise of it going to the next level anytime soon; with that in mind, the door is still open for Zoe and George to start up a relationship almost at the drop of a hat. It’s difficult to keep a love triangle fresh, especially once you are more than a season into a show, but somehow “Hart of Dixie” is finding a way to make it work for at least the present.

Are you rooting for Wade or George to end up with Zoe based on everything we have seen so far?

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