Poldark season 5 episode 7 review: What is Ross plotting?

Throughout Poldark season 5 episode 7, one of the things we saw was desperation throughout. Ross was MIA, Ned was dead, and Caroline found herself putting her reputation on the line.

Tonight, the name of the game was largely pain as we saw the Poldark family and beyond struggling with the fact that there are those who want to label them as traitors — mostly because they do not like the world in the way in which it is going. There’s also the other complication here in the romance between Cecily and Geoffrey Charles. It is, after all, fair to say that this is the sort of thing that gets Ralph Hanson up in arms.

As a matter of fact, Geoffrey was punished, almost killed, for trying to run away with Cecily. These attempts on his life only made him more determined, but Cecily relented. She decide to say that she doesn’t want to be “anyone’s wife.” She tried to push him away as a means of protecting him — that is all that is.

In getting back to Ross, he spent a good chunk of this episode trying to survive, but also trying to differentiate his actions from those of Ned’s. Speaking out against corruption isn’t a bad thing. It doesn’t make you a traitor; in a lot of ways, it only makes you more patriotic. He eventually found his way to Demelza, who has been doing her part of make sure that Cornwall is safe while danger is bubbling underneath the surface.

Demelza and Caroline both did what they could within this episode to help Kitty, who eventually decided to leave. She felt as though there would be means to carry on her husband’s vision, and with her being pregnant, she recognized that she would not be alone.

In the closing minutes, Ross asked Dwight to help look after Demelza, as the next few months are going to be the greatest “gamble” of his life. He will be around, but his actions are going to come across as strange. He is going to have to change the man he is been to find a measure of survival.

CarterMatt Verdict

Tonight’s Poldark was in some ways about departures, as Cecily made the decision to get aboard the ship, separate from Geoffrey Charles, while we saw Kitty do the same. Ross still has his work cut out for him to prove that he is a man with the best interests of the Crown at heart — but there is more resistance he will have to battle. There are still, after all, more undercurrents and people who don’t want him to find any measure of success.

This episode wasn’t exactly a big one for Morwenna or Drake, but there was enough stuff emotionally here to make this story worthwhile. Ross is clearly going to take big risks to undo corruption in his country, but with one wrong move, he could easily lose his life.

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