Breaking Bad movie premiere date, Jesse Pinkman story tease

Earlier today, a Netflix listing seemed to suggest that the Breaking Bad moving had a subtitle: El Camino. Now, we’ve got even more news all about it.

According to a new report from the New York TimesEl Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie is going to premiere on Netflix on October 11. It will still air on Breaking Bad’s original home in AMC, but at a later date. This is still somewhat of a surprise, given that we expected the movie would run first on the network that produced it in the first place.

As for some more news on the story itself, the Times seems to confirm that this is a Jesse Pinkman story. Check out the synopsis, which was originally teased by the since-deleted Netflix listing:

“In the wake of his dramatic escape from captivity, Jesse must come to terms with his past in order to forge some kind of future.”

Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan serves as both writer and director for the project, which was filmed in secret prior to the news starting to slip out. It was only days ago that Bob Odenkirk announced that the movie had already shot, while discussing his own project in Better Call Saul.

Could there be more movies beyond El Camino? We wonder, given the nature of that title. We almost think that there could be one about Gene in the event his story isn’t fully addressed in Better Call Saul, but that does seem redundant since you could just wrap all of that up within the scope of that show itself.

Regardless of what happens moving forward, be sure of this: We are more than just a little bit excited to see whatever is going to be coming up next.

What do you want to see on the Breaking Bad movie?

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