‘Downton Abbey’ season 3 spoilers: First details on episode 8
“Downton Abbey” sure is getting their information out there fast about their upcoming episodes. Less than 24 hours after both the end of episode 6 and the release of the first promo for episode 7, we now have the latest details that are coming in from the episode that will be airing a week from Sunday.
We are nearing the end of this season, and there is some sort of a sense of urgency present in the synopsis below. It starts off rather pleasant enough courtesy of a sporting event, but it ends with something that could end up tearing one of the show’s beloved couples apart. Haven’t we already been through enough struggle and heartbreak this season already? Apparently, somebody (with that person likely being Julian Fellowes) has decided to torment us a little bit more moving forward:
“There is excitement in the house and village as the annual cricket match approaches, and it brings out Robert’s competitive side … As Violet’s great niece Rose arrives, a trip to London reveals there is more to her than meets the eye … Thomas’s future is in Carson’s hands, but Bates may be an unlikely ally … What secrets are Mary and Matthew holding back from each other?”
More than anything else at the moment, we are just excited to see the words “Bates” in the context of something that is not prison after his release during this past episode. However, we still have a feeling that just like with many of the other characters on the show at the moment, his story really is far from over. As for Matthew and Mary, let’s just hope that this isn’t any further credence to the story suggesting that Dan Stevens is looking to leave the show in order to pursue acting in America.
What do you think about this description, and are there any moments that stand out to you already?
November 4, 2012 @ 2:32 pm
Chances are Fellowes might simply hire another actor to portray Matthew.
November 3, 2012 @ 4:11 pm
Poor Julian Fellows, such a amazing show and the actors are leaving him! worse, they are leaving us! This is one of the most amazing series I´ve ever watched
October 30, 2012 @ 9:01 pm
Why did the writers take up so much time with Bates being in prison and not getting along with his fellow inmates?? I mean it really doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the rest of the story line and what is going on at Downton Abbey or am I missing something with all of that?
October 29, 2012 @ 5:52 pm
If Dan Stevens is moving on, he will surely be missed, but please find another actor who can replace him and keep Mary and Matthew together.
October 29, 2012 @ 3:14 am
Oh it is so obvious! The doctor is going to tell Matthew that it is Mary who is infertile.. but then she’ll discover she’s pregnant anyways and give birth to a boy at the end of the Christmas special. Lady Sybil was always sweet but she was BORING! Don’t care about the new servants at all… more time should have been spent on Mary and Matthew! After Episode 7, there have barely been any scenes of them together. There will NOT be a Series 4 because Dan Stevens moved to USA and Maggie Smith doesn’t want to do it anymore. I think the only thing that will bring Dan Stevens back is a HUGE, and I mean HUGE amount of money. The series cannot go on without Matthew Crawley…. or what, will Julian Fellows kill him off too?
October 27, 2012 @ 8:16 pm
calling it now. Mary is pregnant.
Ilze Choi
October 27, 2012 @ 12:20 am
The death of Sybil has ruined DA for me too. I am guessing that Sybil had to go because Jessica, the actress wanted to leave the show to do a film. Couldn’t their story have ended with Sybil, Branson and their daughter moving to America? I have lost my interest in the show. At least I am glad that baby Sybil will be raised inher father’s faith and that he will keep her with him.
October 26, 2012 @ 3:04 am
I completely agree with CT318. I can’t believe Julian Fellowes killed off the most interesting sister…and didn’t at least show us what her life in Dublin was like, her wedding to Tom, etc. I feel like her character got the short end of the stick.
October 24, 2012 @ 12:38 pm
To be honest i dont care what happens now Lady Sybils dead……completely ruined DA for me.
October 24, 2012 @ 11:29 am
I’d disagree with the idea that Mary has been mean to Matthew. They are clearly in love. However, grownups have tensions and disagree, especially over important things like MONEY and relationships with PARENTS. Those two strains are probably way up in the cause list for angst and divorce (ask your parents) . Mary has stood up for wanting to keep her title and raise their kids with privilege in her ancestral home the way she was raised; spoiled, maybe, but not mean at all, and completely in character for her. She didn’t want to see her father shamed and broken because of his bad investments, again completely in her character and shows devotion to her father. She has always been a loyal Crawley and daughter. She wanted her husband to see things her way–completely in character for ANY wife :) Fundamental differences in these values can test any couple, as they did M&M, but they saw reason and married anyway. Sorry, girls, Matthew is handsome, but far from perfect. His mooning over Lavinia was self-serving and over the top and selfish. And his insensitivity toward saving the estate and Mary’s feelings, and challenging and embarrassing a grieving Robert the last few weeks may be done in Downton’s best interests, but also done with questionable timing when considering the feelings of a man who has treated him quite well historically. Matthew is young and intelligent enough to know who and what Robert is, and should be able to realize that shoving modern new methods down his throat and treating him like a child isn’t the best way to deal with a proud man who has always had his way. He has made no attempt yet to let Robert keep his dignity. Challenging him in front of Tom was bound to lead to conflict and embarrassment for Robert, as was going behind his back to Murray on the day Sybil died. (And Robert probably doesn’t even know about that one yet.) Like it or not, the centerpin to the show is Lord Grantham, because the whole premise is following the demise of his world and transition into the new world. Matthew is important, but a new heir could be found or born. Once Robert is gone, all the entities upstairs and down that circle and respond to him and his rule of the house are forever changed, and the show is all but over. I wouldn’t be surprised if the very final episode of the entire show includes Robert’s death (at whatever age) and succession of the new order, or perhaps the loss of the house to fire or financial ruin again–or to open up a caravan club and wildlife park on the grounds, where Matthew and Mary can tend the giraffes. It would be fitting. Fellowes has given us characters with flaws and complicated relationships, let’s enjoy them and take the ride. And a story without conflict is called fanfic.
U.S. Male
October 23, 2012 @ 1:51 pm
I am an unabashed Abbeyholic Californian so addicted to this yarn that I subsist on spoiler blog-posts this time of year. If there is one thread constant in Fellowes’ spinning of this tale, it is his utter unpredictability. Still, I would find a Matthew-less Downton Abbey incomprehensible. We shall see…
October 23, 2012 @ 8:45 am
Really good TV is hard to come by. There are even few characters/couples that you can root for on TV. Reality most often sucks and disappoints. I generally turn to TV to escape the real world and root and hope for the joys of fiction. I guess I made a huge mistake in rooting for Matthew and Mary Crawley, cause it looks like I set my self up for u huge disappointment. I love it when TV proves me wrong. I hope that this is one of the cases. Even if Dan Stevens does not return for the 4th season, I hope they don’t ruin Mary and Matthew. By the way they don’t even show Downton in my country.
October 23, 2012 @ 12:51 am
OH NOOOO! not more angst to keep Mary and Matthew on edge…
And if DS is not coming back for the 4th season, it will be a horrible cliff -hanger and I dont want to see mary falling and marrying another guy. I am not happy at the first few episodes where mary was so cold to Matthew. Cannot understand that when they are so in love. I just love this couple.
Less bates cos he is BORIIIINNNNNG!!! but maybe not cos he may be a closet killer..
October 22, 2012 @ 5:04 pm
Cricket match? I hope it’s fun and not the scene of another Grantham-esque disaster of mammoth proportions! I for one hope the Lord gets to have a laugh and a good time with his sons in law, and the old boy needs a win for the Abbey. He’s been on a bit of a rough streak lately.
S E Wyatt
October 22, 2012 @ 2:15 pm
Who else spotted that Daisy was wearing a wedding ring when she was teaching ?Alfred the foxtrot?