Blue Bloods season 10: Donnie Wahlberg’s birthday gift on set

Blue Bloods season 10

Blue Bloods season 10 filming is still going strong in New York City, and rest assured that the cast and crew are doing everything that they can in order to make these episodes perfect.

Yet, along the way they’re also taking a few moments to celebrate Donnie Wahlberg’s birthday … a little bit ahead of schedule. The actor doesn’t technically celebrate the big day until August 17, but as shared on his Instagram Stories, he’s already received some love from some of the background actors on set in honor of it. It’s nice of them to do this, but it’s also nice for Donnie to recognize some of the unsung heroes of any production. They work long hours and often don’t get little recognition. Also, how they are treated is often a great barometer of whether or not it is a great set as a whole.

It’s a big birthday for Donnie this year as he nears a fabulous 50, and we’re sure that all of the cast and crew are going to have a little bit of fun with it as a result. Expect a lot of great social-media content over the next several days!

As for the story of Blue Bloods season 10, be prepared for Donnie to be front and center for a lot of great stuff as Danny looks to figure out what he wants for the next phase of his life. His kids are getting over, he’s ready to consider moving forward after losing his wife Linda, and he’s also still one of the best detectives that New York City has to offer. After thwarting his previous rival in Luis Delgado, there could be another adversary coming his way … though this may not be one with as personal a connection to him.

Blue Bloods season 10 is going to be premiering on CBS when we get around to this September. As filming gets more and more intense, there will probably be a whole host of great updates to share.

What do you want to see regarding Blue Bloods season 10?

Be sure to let us know right now in the comments.

(Photo: CBS.)

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