‘Homeland’ season 2 spoilers: Sneak a peek at ‘New Car Smell’ (video)

Finally, Carrie and Brody are going to be spending some time together again on “Homeland,” and the results are sure to be a disaster for one of them. If you thought that the relationship was tense the first time around, you have to think that it will be even worse now that Carrie knows for sure now that her longtime suspicions of Damian Lewis’ character all have turned out to be true.

How are the two going to come into contact again? Based solely on the sneak peek, it appears as though it is going to be in many way initiated courtesy of Brody, who seems to catch Carrie by surprise in an effort to figure out just what is going on. Considering the sort of contacts that this guy has, it’s probably not going to remain a secret to him for very long that Saul and Carrie were both doing some sniffing around about him while in the Lebanese city of Beirut earlier this season.

Even just away from this initial meeting, we have a feeling that this could be the hour where everything really starts to crumble for our Congressman. There is a scene involving a hotel here where he looks clearly disshelved, and that is probably only the beginning his problems. We hear someone presumably warning Jess about her husband’s true nature, and we cannot imagine that she reacts particularly well to that. After all, how many more times does she need the writing to be on the wall before she realizes that she is dealing with an incredibly bad man, especially when it comes to him still being in office?

What do you think about this video, and do you think the walls will come tumbling down for Brody here?

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