‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 3: A look at the ‘Pretty Dirty Secrets’ finale
In less than one week now, “Pretty Little Liars” is going to finally be back on TV … even if it is for only one episode. So with that in mind, Tuesday night marked the end to the show’s web series “Pretty Dirty Secrets,” and we’re not really entirely sure what happened here or what exactly we were supposed to take from this.
Basically, we thought that this episode was really going to focus a little bit on trying to tie up most of the loose ends that we saw earlier this season. After all, we saw some tiny confrontations all season long involving such characters as Noel, Lucas, and Jason. We also met new character Shana, who worked at a costume shop and had some really mysterious intentions when it came to what she exactly wanted in Rosewood or who she spent so much time talking to on the phone.
Unfortunately, the last chapter of the web series (which you can see here) did not really answer any of these questions. Instead, all it really ended up doing instead was setting up something that we really already knew about the Halloween special: that “A” is going to be on board the train going to Philadelphia that is going to be the setting of a giant costume party. This is going to be a pretty exciting episode to watch from a creativity standpoint, and the drama is only amplified by the fact that we know that someone is going to die at the end of it. We just wish that this series functioned as something more than an advertisement for the episode, and gave us more insight about some of the characters.