Big Brother 21 episode 8: Is Kemi Fakunle evicted to Camp Comeback?

Kemi Faknule

Tonight on Big Brother 21 episode 8, we prepared ourselves for the end of the game (for now) for Kemi Fakunle. She’s been a fighter on the live feeds for the better part of the past few days, but that doesn’t mean that she gets a guaranteed spot of sticking around.

Before we get around to the eviction, though, there are some other things that the show wanted to hand us — including a showmance segment with Bella/Nick and then Jack/Analyse. We’re not sure how much time we needed to spend on any of this, but we got it anyway — showmances are a part of Big Brother that you can’t seem to get away from no matter how much you want to. Also, you have Cliff’s terrible morning-monologue fail, something that is almost certainly going to haunt him down the road. Everyone in Gr8ful knows his game … but nobody’s bothered to tell him about it.

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Before we got around to the final vote, we did get a larger sense of how Sam feels about the Gr8ful alliance. He wanted to ensure that Kemi stayed and he did everything that he could in order to shake things up. He tried to campaign to Jack and several other Gr8ful members, but eventually it all fell on deaf ears.

Kemi’s speech was entertaining enough, though we don’t think the players on the outside being transfixed on Bella/Nick is actually the best move for them. They need to be thinking more about the Gr8ful crew outside of those two since they are the ones who are a real danger to their game down the line. Kemi is evicted, though there was a rather-fascinating hinky vote thrown out there courtesy of Jackson.

We’re sad to see Kemi go in the end, largely since so much of it seems to be due to the fragility of Jack’s own ego — all it took was her making a comment about his cooking to get on his radar and then, other people were too afraid to shake things up.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 21 and the live feeds

Time for the vote

What did you think about tonight’s new episode of Big Brother 21? Be sure to share in the comments and remember to come back for some other news. (Photo: CBS.)

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