Agents of SHIELD season 6 episode 8 preview: ‘Collision Course’ (Part 1)

Agents of SHIELD

Next week on Agents of SHIELD season 6 episode 8, we will see the beginning of an epic two-parter. The title is “Collision Course,” and what we see (at least in the first hour) is characters working together with a unified goal in mind. What they are facing here is a threat unlike any other, one that they haven’t quite seen in any way before. It’s one of the reasons why Sarge is around and such a force to be reckoned with this season.

With this being a two-parter, let’s just get this out of the way now — you’re not going to be totally satisfied with anything at the end of part 1. This is more about putting the pieces on the table and giving the team some chances to work together. The biggest surprise is probably just Agents of SHIELD airing an episode on July 5 in the first place; there are some other networks that are opting to take a little bit of time off around this point and it would have (easily) made sense for them to do the same thing.

Below, CarterMatt has the official Agents of SHIELD season 6 episode 8 synopsis with more news on what’s ahead:

To face The Galaxy-Hopping Hate-Beast That Eats Planets, the team on Earth asks for help in all the wrong places. While back on the Lazy Comet, something weird is going on with Izel’s crew, and it’s not just the puffies.

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Is this one of the funniest synopses in Agents of SHIELD history? We have to think so. We also feel like The Galaxy-Hopping Hate-Beast That Eats Planets may be the world’s greatest name. Seeing this battle play out is going to be crazy … and also dramatic in the right places. The idea for season 6 seems to be putting viewers on spin cycle for as long as possible. You get tossed around and spun out and by the end of it, there’s a good chance you won’t even know where some of these characters even land.

As for what we do know is coming, the promo hints at an epic battle to stop the Shrike, getting to see more of Fitz and Simmons trying to make it back home, and also whether or not there is a part of Sarge’s plan that he has not yet disclosed to anyone.

We almost wish that the two parts of this episode were airing one after next but, unfortunately, that is not the case — you’ll be seeing part 2 on July 12.

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What do you want to see when it comes to Agents of SHIELD season 6 episode 8? Be sure to let us know in the comments. (Photo: ABC.)

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