Big Brother 21: Early theme spoilers, early competition details

Big Brother 21

Even though all of the contestants on Big Brother 21 are trapped within a house, it seems as though the producers are going for a theme built around the great outdoors.

In a new issue of TV Guide, the show quotes show host Julie Chen Moonves and also executive producer Allison Grodner as the two of them talk briefly about some sort of outdoor theme for the season, Sound interesting? It could be, and the first Competition is going to revolve around having to move around in the dark — think in terms of the players being lost in the woods! It’s going to have a real summer camp theme and we’ll see the houseguests move through the dark in order to find their way back inside.

We’ve seen these sort of dark challenges before on the show — it’s something that they’ve done a lot in recent seasons! Part of the appeal for them may just come via having great ways for the cast to humiliate themselves on TV — and making them wander through various goop and much is a great way to do that. We like that this is actually being done before the feeds come on, mostly because it feels like the sort of challenge that would require a lot of downtime.

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So what can we take away from this as the first challenge? We’re probably going to get a season that, as a whole, involves a lot of various outdoor-themed events and forces the houseguests to be very active. We’re fine with anything that does get them evolved, and the rustic nature of this fits rather well with the nature of this show in the first place — these people aren’t living in a five-star hotel by any means. We haven’t gotten a proper house tour as of this writing, but hopefully, that’s going to be coming at some point in the near future. That will give us a real feel of some of what could be coming.

In general, we don’t think that themes for the house are super-important to the season as a whole, except for one thing — they do largely set the tone of what the competition will look and feel like. We do think that if you’re a contestant on the show and you can sync up with what producers are thinking, that will help you greatly. Not everything that they deliver to you in terms of twists and challenges are all that difficult if you know what to look for and what they’re thinking about.

Want some other news on Big Brother?

Then head over to the link here, since that is where you can get some other conversation about the show, including more thoughts on the cast and what we could be in for this season. (Photo: CBS.)

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