Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 4 preview: Story of a cat

Fear the Walking Dead season 3 episode 11 review

Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 4 is entitled “Skidmark,” and you should totally get your mind out of the gutter. This is could be a story that is, in part, all about a cat — or at least that’s what we are assuming. Remember for a moment that we met this namesake cat a little bit earlier this season courtesy of Daniel Salazar.

Maybe this episode is about friendship, or maybe it’s about characters trying to do their best to stay alive. No matter how you choose to define it, this could be a different sort of episode — and the official synopsis for it is below:

Charlie makes a friend, while Strand, Wendell, and Sarah’s rescue mission hits a snag; Alicia, Luciana and Morgan struggle to fulfill their mission.

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Is Charlie’s new friend the cat? That feels like the easiest assumption to make. We do come personally with many questions, with one of them stemming from being a cat owner ourselves. How in the world do these people manage to actually keep this cat from running off during filming? Sure, we know that cats can be trained, but we say this as an owner of a cat who sometimes refuses to come when she is called. The cat struggle is real. (We just don’t think that Fear the Walking Dead would entitle their episode this unless they were 100% convinced that this cat needed to be an enormous part of the story.)

As for someone else, one of the things we’re the most curious about is how many different side missions the show’s going to throw these people on. It also feels like the synopsis is ultimately teasing something for multiple characters that feels, largely, like the same exact thing. That’s probably not true, buy synopses can be kinda deceptive like this. Our primary hope is that within this episode, there will be a chance to learn a few useful details about some of where we’re going — given that we’re almost at the halfway point of the season at the moment, that feels reasonably necessary.

Now, if someone could just deal with the problem of those darned kids…

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What do you want to see when it comes to Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 4? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments, and be sure to check back soon for some other news. (Photo: AMC.)

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