The Bachelorette: Hannah Brown on Luke Parker’s intensity

Luke Parker

With “Always Be Cam” gone from the equation, it seems like Luke Parker is destined to be the next big personality on The BacheloretteAs for whether or not that’s a good thing … well, that’s up for debate. Luke is going to be divisive, and at the moment, that is abundantly clear. We’re talking here about a guy who is going to do just about everything that he can to win her over, but what he’s not quite realizing is that some of these efforts, in turn, end up pushing her away. This isn’t the “Luke dates Hannah” show, where his importance to her is head and shoulders higher up than everyone else. There’s really a lot more balance here, and that is something that Luke is, clearly, going to have to learn over time if he wants to stay.

There’s also another component to what’s coming here, and that’s a little something known as what Hannah knows about Luke versus what she sees. Remember that there’s only so much she’s around for, and a lot of Luke’s behavior freaking out on the other guys (which we’ve seen in some of the previews) is stuff that she didn’t know about during filming. That’s going to more than likely cause all sorts of reactions over the next few months … including from Hannah herself.

The show’s leading lady is already speaking out about some of it. With that in mind, check out what she had to say (via Entertainment Tonight) about some of the stuff that

“I haven’t seen [Luke’s outburst] before [the trailer]. It’s going to be interesting for me to watch some of the things that happen. Because, you know, I only know what happened in the interactions I had with the men and what they say to me and what I feel for them … I don’t know what happens anywhere else, so, to see some of the things in the teasers, I’m like, ‘Huh! Interesting.'”

For some more video discussion on The Bachelorette, be sure to check out some of the latest at the bottom of this article! Also, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other insight and view our official series playlist.

Hannah also makes it clear that she may have had a slightly different impression of Luke than the guys did … and we don’t think that this is a case of the guys never warning here, since there are some teases out there in some of the previews that feel a lot like the guys doing some of what they can to issue a warning. It’s just tough if you’re in their shoes because throwing another guy under the bus is often thought of as a major franchise faux pas, i.e. the sort of thing that gets you eliminated. For a lot of guys, the strategy is probably something more along the lines of letting some of the controversial guys, in this case potentially including Luke, bury themselves.

What do you think is going to happen with Hannah and Luke over the course of this Bachelorette season? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: ABC.)

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