Elementary season 7 episode 2 video: Bell, Watson reunite
Do we need to tell you some of the stakes? Well, let’s go ahead and mention some of it anyway: Captain Gregson is show, and this is the sort of painful family moment that brings Team Sherlock back together. Yet, the problem is that Sherlock can’t actually be there. He’s banned from the United States and we don’t think that someone is going to let him back in because something bad happened to his friend. We tend to think that the world (and the law) is a little bit more complicated than that.
Want to get a video breakdown of the Elementary premiere? Then we recommend you watch what we’ve got for you at the bottom of this article! After you do that, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some more updates and be sure to view our official playlist.
Because of Sherlock’s far-from-great situation, the sneak preview that we’ve got for you below is based exclusively around what is going on in regards to Watson, who has flown to America immediately to check out Gregson’s condition. Bell is still there, which makes it pretty clear (at least from our vantage point) that there are still some bonds that will cause him to stick around in New York, as opposed to taking off with the Marshals. We do think that eventually, that could be his life … but it may not be for this season. We don’t want for it to be this season, even if we like Bell and wish him the best. Selfishly, we need the guy around being a super-sleuth and helping to avenge what happened to the Captain!
Also, with Sherlock unable to travel stateside, some of Bell’s services are probably going to be a little bit more necessary than ever before.
Beyond Gregson’s attack…
There could be another case within this episode as well, and somehow, Sherlock will still be involved in everything even if he is a world away. The thing about Elementary is that they’re not going to let a little something known as the Atlantic Ocean get in the way of watching some of these crime-stoppers do their thing. Instead, they’re
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What do you want to see in regards to Elementary season 7 episode 2? Be sure to share some of your thoughts right now in the comments, and check back soon for some other news. (Photo: CBS.)