Will Supergirl season 4 finale reveal any season 5 secrets?

Supergirl season 4 episode 3

As we approach this weekend’s Supergirl season 4 finale, it does only make some sense that we start to look towards the other side of the horizon. On that is season 5, coming to The CW at some point this fall, and probably one of the more daunting challenges that the writers have had to come up with.

Has season 2 been a perfect season? Not necessarily, but what it’s done is present the most mature version of the Supergirl story so far, one that revolves around characters trying to best understand their own place in the world alongside the sort of world that they want to live in. It’s also been, by far, the most calculated, with so much of what we’ve seen being a master plan of one Lex Luthor in order to become his own self-appointed savior. He wants, quite desperately, to be his own hero … and is willing to kill anyone and everyone in his way in order to do it.

Obviously, the top priority within the finale is going to be trying to find a way in order to properly untangle all of the little narrative threads that exist within the core of this season, but there is something else worthwhile and worthy of examination: The idea of a season 5 tease, and how much of one you decide to present.

You see, it’s been a little bit of a tradition with Supergirl to spend at least part of the finale working to set the stage for next season, even if it just lasts for a couple of seconds. Take last season, which first introduced you to the idea of Red Daughter. Or, think in terms of what happened at the end of season 2 with the introduction of the Worldkillers — which, of course, led to the introduction of Reign. Something more could and probably should happen here.

What about Crisis on Infinite Earths?

It feels like a fair assumption to make that the next, epic Arrowverse crossover is going to get some screen time in the final episode of the season, but we think that this is both good and bad news. While we appreciate the amount of attention that the event is getting at the moment, we don’t want these shows to forget about their own individual stories, either. Supergirl is still probably going to have more than twenty episodes that don’t have all that much to do with the crossover, and that includes a different Big Bad and different missions. We don’t want to forget about that, either.

(For the record, we do hope that we see Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor again before the end of the series, but we don’t expect him to be showing up with regularity — that’s a consequence of the series needing special permission from DC to use the character, anyway. We would say, though, that their version of Lex has dramatically raised the stakes for any future movie iteration. It’s almost like what Arrow did with Deathstroke.

For some more news when it comes to Supergirl?

Then be sure to head over here, since that is where you can get more insight and the official synopsis for the finale!

What do you want to see when it comes to the Supergirl season 4 finale? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and check back soon to get some other information in regards to the series. (Photo: The CW.)

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