Manifest season 2 episode count, likely timeslot, and more


Want some more information right now in regards to Manifest season 2? Over the weekend, we found out that the series is coming in 2020 — and we have a little more news to go along with it!

Want some more updates on Manifest in video form? Then check out some of the latest below! Meanwhile, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news.

In a series of posts on Twitter today, executive producer Jeff Rake shared information on a number of other key details pertaining to the story.

Episode Count – While the first season ran for a solid 16 episodes, we’re going to see the story shift down to 13 for season 2. That’s a bummer for those of us who love lengthy seasons, but you can also look at this knowing that this story is going to be jam-packed with all sorts of good stuff from start to finish.

Timeslot – As of right now, it does appear as though season 2 is going to retain the same Monday-night timeslot as season 1 in 10:00 p.m. Eastern time. If it does have a chance to air after some of America’s Got Talent: The Champions, that will certainly be a good thing.

When could it premiere? – Early in the new year seems to be the most-likely possibility. We’d love it to be January, but it may be dependent on what’s happening with another series coming up this fall in Bluff City Law.

The most important thing to remember at the moment is that all of this is still, at least to a certain extent, up in the air and subject to change. The episode count most likely will stay this way since it’s harder to change that on the fly, but so much can happen between now and whenever season 2 premieres. Above all else, just remember to watch season 2 live or on DVR shortly after it airs following its premiere — because of it having such a long layoff between seasons, you’re right to be slightly concerned about how that could impact the numbers. Maybe if it ends up building more of a streaming following, that hiatus can be mitigated, but it’s hard to really say anything for certain without actual, tangible evidence at the moment.

Just know this — the plan is for season 2 to be every bit as epic and mind-bending as season 1. Filming is going to kick off this summer, and we figure that at some point this fall, NBC will release more firm details on what’s next. Hopefully, we’ll get a few casting updates over the fall — that way, we at least have some more stuff to speculate on when it comes to the future. Rest assured, we’ll be sharing some more news every step of the way once we hear about it. (Just be sure to visit the link here with regularity.)

What are you the most excited to see when it comes to Manifest season 2? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and stay tuned to get some other news. (Photo: NBC.)

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