Blue Bloods season 9 finale review: Did Jamie / Eddie wedding shine?

Blue Bloods season 9

Tonight, the Blue Bloods season 9 finale focused on a lot of important stuff, in between Erin and Eddie having some issues, Frank’s advisers clashing with each other, and Danny and Baez finding a way to take on a challenging case that just didn’t feel right.

Yet, we think that the subject most people are going to be asking about at present is this: Was there actually enough of the real wedding? Did we get enough of the one thing the majority of viewers out there want to see?

One of the things that we’ve come to learn over time with TV weddings is simply this: You never really get anywhere near as much of them as you want. That’s why the writers really took their time to get there; they probably didn’t want to A) scare the fans out there who don’t watch this show for romance and B) leave you feeling like it was long. Instead, they do it this way and they find a way to actually leave you wanting more.

There were some questions about Jamko to think about leading into the ceremony, with the primary one being this: Would Eddie back out? Were there cold feet? We wouldn’t say that, but she was clearly concerned that she was having to conform to their family while Jamie wasn’t really doing much of anything to accept hers. This was as unbalanced as unbalanced could be and it was clear she was worried that she was losing herself — there wasn’t enough Janko in Jamko, to put it in a lighthearted way.

When we got the actual ceremony…

It was just like you would have expected — romantic at times and funny at others. Take, for example, Danny and Eddie’s mother Lena sharing a laugh. We got a meaningful speech from Frank Reagan and the two shared some loving glances. Sure, the wedding was a little shorter than we expected, but we can’t exactly sit here and say that any part of what we actually saw was a disappointment.

The big surprise tonight was seeing Eddie go to Frank and decide to have him walk her down the aisle. Why was that? She was afraid of tripping! It wasn’t really about some sort of archaic tradition as it was her keeping a nightmare at bay. Yet … that was it. No vows, no kiss, and it felt like a robbery after SO much hype.

Beyond the wedding…

Erin and Eddie did end up getting on the same page (as it turns out, Eddie was, of course, telling the truth), and when it comes to Danny and Baez’s case, their extra investigation proved itself to be very much worthwhile as they got the right person responsible for the crime. No real shocker.

CarterMatt Verdict

Probably the best non-wedding storyline when it comes to the show tonight was simply this: Gormley, Garrett, and Baker going at each other over some plans and proposals. Baker had an idea that she was bringing to the table and because of this, Garrett felt threatened. Frank eventually made all of them try out each other’s jobs to realize that they really needed to be there for each other and that was the way for them to get a better sense of how each other functioned. As it turned out, that really worked.

We loved a lot of the episode … but why no vows? Why no kissing the bride? That’s where our disappointment lies in what was otherwise a great episode.

What did you think about the Blue Bloods season 9 finale overall? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and check back soon for more news.

(Photo: CBS.)

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