‘Glee’ season 4 spoilers: What’s next for Naya Rivera, Heather Morris
Ever since the “Break-Up” episode of “Glee” first reared its ugly head last week, we have done our best to share what some of the characters are going to be up to next, whether this be Finn (Cory Monteith), Rachel (Lea Michele), Kurt (Chris Colfer), or Blaine (Darren Criss). However, there is one pair that is beloved by fans, and we haven’t really touched on them too much yet: Naya Rivera’s Santana and Heather Morris’ Brittany. These two had the most innocent split out of everyone last week, largely because they were not so much ending their relationship for good as they were just realizing that it was not working with their current situation in mind.
However, this amicable split does not mean that the two are going to stay single forever. According to a new report from E! News, at least one of them is going to become interested in someone else. Who is it? We’re not 100% certain at the moment, but it’s pretty easy to lean towards Brittany given that she is the character we have seen the vast majority of so far, and Santana is currently away from everyone that matters at the University of Louisville.
Regardless of who gets involved with someone new, know that the odds of it working out are pretty slim to none. After all of the heartbreak, this looks to more or less be the rebound sort of situation that we see many suddenly-single people go through more often than not in life. Will this complicate matters for “Brittana” if they do get back together? We don’t really think so, since these two are not the sort of people who tend to judge based on what happens when they are apart.
Who do you think is going to get a new love interest, and are you okay with it so long as the door is still open for these two down the road?
October 16, 2012 @ 1:35 pm
no !!! ryan murphy needs to stop playing with the fandoms feelings !! brittana needs to be !!
October 15, 2012 @ 4:33 am
The show has now become one disappointment after another. Season 1 was fresh; 2 was developing what we had been exposed to and we loved to see them and the show fill our dreams. Season 3 was more of the same but not as fulfilling. Season 4 has The characters I care the least about as the main show; in New York and the character I care the most about has been in France for the past few months. Honestly, I have all season 4 so far on PVR and haven`t watched it yet. Without Quinn and the honest way she portrays the little white girl world I have no interest in the show anymore. Also knowing now what I know about Lea and Dianna in real life makes me even less interested in watching without Quinn in there. I can only appreciate the work of someone I believe to be a good person; or at least not a bad person(in my opinion)
October 13, 2012 @ 2:37 am
Please no more love triangle especially if it include Santana or Britany. They are already perfect for each other. Why do you have to break them up? Writers these days are being lazy and just starting to ruin the life of the characters.
October 13, 2012 @ 2:33 am
HECK NO!!! If Santana started seeing the girl that she said she “exchanged energy” with, its either I would die or hunt Ryan Murphy. Britana havent really done a very beautiful scene together, like Finchel and Klaine does. I want them back together or atleast make them lots of scenes this season. I rather accept a fact that they’ll be single for uhmm probably a short period of time then get back together rather than seeing them having interest with some other character. BRITANA FOREVER!
October 11, 2012 @ 8:29 pm
Oh and I forgot to add: 8 years ago, my girlfriend and I met each other. There was no way for us to be physically together for a year. We still made it, we never had nor wanted to see anyone else, and now we’re married. F*** you Glee for the message you’re sending to couples in that situation, especially gay ones who already have a lot to deal with.
October 11, 2012 @ 8:23 pm
Since the Glee writers are mentally challenged, no, I’m not okay with it. I’m beyond tired of triangles and lack of continuity, I’m utterly pissed at the double standards and if they put someone between them there is no friggin’ way I’m gonna watch Glee again, even if Brittana is endgame. I don’t care if it’s “just a rebound” or not. Because you can bet that we’d get more PDA, kisses (not just pecks) and dialogue between one of the girls and the rebound in a single episode than Brittana ever had in 3 years. No, thanks.
If they had given them screentime, development and shown them as the real couple they are, maybe I’d hold my judgement and wait to see how things go and how the writers plan to get them back together.
But they barely talked to each other, not to mention that they had no private moments except for a sextape talk (which was stupid, offensive, and obviously a way to make fun of that couple because it was written by the token frat boy in the writer’s room). Besides, they had no valid reason whatsoever to break up in the first place. They’re still very much in love with each other, and the distance thing would not be an issue if those idiots hadn’t failed Brittany to begin with.
Well, they could still make her graduate early or drop out of school somehow, and go to NYC to dance, therefore joining Santana. But we all know they won’t, because it would be interesting and would require those 3 functional braincells they share to be put to work in order to make a plot like that remotely believable. And the less they work on their stories, the happier they are, nothing new here. Just imagine what kind of show Glee could be if real and good writers were in charge.
Let me know when Brittana are on again, then maybe, MAYBE if they’re not tainted by whatever third wheel or stupid story, I’ll tune in. Until that happens, I’m gonna watch Grey’s Anatomy, thanks.
October 11, 2012 @ 10:31 am
Oh hell no. Its pretty obvious that Ryan is getting Sam and Brittany together… are we okey with it? NO. Brittany can only be with Santana, they are soulmates! and if Bram doesnt work out, doesnt matter… Ryan is making us suffer just with a cuddle since… imagine what a kiss would be?
He is breaking our hearts and making us suffer……..
October 11, 2012 @ 2:57 am
Brittany still acts like a 5 yr old (Heather has been over doing the toddler face for far too long now), she needs to grow up and if she doesn’t , she’s going to end up in dreamland, bare foot and pregnant.
Santana doesn’t have any experience with relationships except for Brittany, she needs to find another girl ,needs to get experience and find herself. if Santana and Brittany do love each other. Then, they can wait until they are both are ready.
Not gonna lie, I think that it’ll be really interesting to see Santana with another girl.
October 11, 2012 @ 12:34 am
Why do they need to date anyone else?? It’s not like it’s a necessary thing when people break up that they need to date around before they can get back together. I would much rather see the girls working on themselves and their own issues individually. And then, once they have things sorted, coming back together to reunite. We barely got to see Brittana interact as a couple. The LAST thing fans want is to see them in relationships (how ever short-lived and shallow) with other people. We just wanted them to work on themselves and then get back together once they’ve grown a little on their own.
Alpine Addict
October 10, 2012 @ 9:19 pm
October 10, 2012 @ 6:23 pm
October 10, 2012 @ 4:49 pm
I don’t want either to be interested in anyone else! Therefore I do not wish to see Brittany and Sam get together. Klaine and Brittana are the top two fan favorites on Glee so they are meant to be! Everyone else no one cares about who they end up with or we’re not sure for them. I rather it be Santana who becomes interested in someone else because Sam and Brittany are so wrong together. And plus, Santana is in college soon to be in NY so she’ll have opportunities to meet new people. In real life the person that is in a new environment often finds someone. Hence Rachel and Brody. But obviously Brittana will get back together because they are meant to be. I hope that was the last we will see of the library girl. She’s not attractive at all. Even Finn can do better.
October 10, 2012 @ 4:38 pm
Grow more as people? What was season 2 about then? Did Brittany being with Artie and Santana with different guys not prove that Santana and Brittany are meant to be with each other. The “Sex is not dating” line started out as a joke and the whole relationship is a joke. Heather and Naya need to be on a different show together because they don’t get the time or storylines that truly shows their talent. They have great chemistry and it should be portrayed. I’m not watching Glee until Brittana gets back together.
October 10, 2012 @ 4:35 pm
No, it’s absolutly not ok that their Relationship is ending. We don’t want to see someone other at the side of Brittany or Santana. They are made for each other and they shoud come together again.
October 10, 2012 @ 3:58 pm
No. All of the no’s…im def not okay wit that! if they have to be slit up then il want to see them working their way back to each other gettin back together – this is the only thing that will keep me watching at this point, Glee needs to step Way from the Glue theyve been clearly sniffing and gave the fans wot they want to see! Jesus Holla
October 10, 2012 @ 3:50 pm
Why can’t Brittana grow together?! When Santana came out, there wasn’t even a conversation between them. When Brittany didn’t graduate, Santana wasn’t there either. What’s wrong with you Glee?! Why can’t you treat them right?? They barely had 6 minutes of conversation last season then break them up early this season and give them new LI?! Are you freaking serious?! HELL NO!! Brittana belong together! Let them be together!
October 10, 2012 @ 3:49 pm
I can understand they need some time apart if that means they are coming back,, but i dont think Brittany needs a new love now, she’s devastated! and Santana maybe needs to go on and have dates with another girls maybe that would help to realize she loves Britt more than she can imagine.
They are the sweetest couple on glee, and their chemistry is amazing, i dont understand why the writers can not see that, specially Ryan, who seems to be only focus on Blaine..
I hope they get back together soon, Brittana is love !!
October 10, 2012 @ 3:40 pm
Honestly? Whatever is fine, I can’t bring myself to care much anymore. Since last season, Glee is pretty obvious about not wanting to write them a decent storyline anyways, so why keep nagging? I’m just not going to get my hopes up. They were a cute side-story filler, that’s all Glee ever wanted them to be, that’s all we’re ever going to get.
October 10, 2012 @ 3:35 pm
I don’t understand WHY to them to be “mature and grow as people” they need to start dating someone else like… now. Could they stay single for a little bit? is it that too hard? I love Brittana and I think they’re ENDGAME but they’re still pretty much in love with each other so stop making new love interest happen… So yeah I’M SO NOT OK with that. Hell to the Nooo.
October 10, 2012 @ 3:32 pm
The problem with this is that Brittana was never given fair time to actually BE a couple in the first place. We never got to see them really, compared to other couples on the show. There was seriously like 3 mins of dialogue between them all last season. And now they hang this big dramatic break up on us and are thinking about new love interests?? It’s just lazy and weak. It’s like this pairing was simply a vehicle to promote Santana and there was nothing else to it. A shame because it had such great potential at first. But like most things on Glee, it didn’t pan out in a quality or consistent way.
October 10, 2012 @ 3:24 pm
Honestly, that’s just a horrible idea and I feel sorry for all the Brittany/Santana fans that expected to finally see some development for their couple and instead got this… Making them date other people so soon, specially if it’s Brittany, is going to come off as either another degrading plot to their relationship that makes it seem like they were never that serious or committed, or as another degrading plot to Brittany as a character, like she’s just too stupid to understand the seriousness of what she went through and too stupid to take care of her of herself and be single.
October 10, 2012 @ 3:23 pm
NO a BIG BIG NO i’m definitely not okay with it! Why is it so hard to write a properly Storyline for Brittany and Santana aka Brittana! They were treated like crap in season 3! I just want to see them together, i won’t be watching if they pair one Girl with someone else, it’s so wrong! Brittana are meant to be together!!!
October 10, 2012 @ 3:23 pm
Noooooooooooo!!!!!! No serious conversation during S3, 20s in the 4×02… and they break up in 4×04!? I want this relationship be write with serious and respect!
October 10, 2012 @ 3:16 pm
But I would love to see them single for a while. And get back together around Xmas
October 10, 2012 @ 3:15 pm
Yes, I’m okay with it. Brittana will always be endgame for me, but I think they both need to grow as people, and become comfortable with who they are as adults.
October 10, 2012 @ 3:14 pm
Honestly, I would be more interested if the show decided to let them be single. Brittany especially, since I feel she could finally be forced to grow up a bit.
I know this is how TV shows work, but Glee hasn’t ever really done justice with this couple ( its been pretty downright offensive in their portrayal at times) so its really unfair to have them thrown at other people when we never really got to see them actually be a couple. And more importantly it’s really tiring that they can’t seem to come up with any new ideas and settle for the same overdone love triangle plot.
October 10, 2012 @ 3:09 pm
No, I’m not okay with it. I know it won’t complicate things for them in the end, they seem to be more evolved than that but for me it feels like a slap in the face. Had the writers given development, conversations, private scenes as a couple to them all along, that would have been a different story. But they only talked to each other TWICE throughout their year-long relationship, one was about a stupid ass storyline involving a sex tape, and the other when they “broke up”. To me, as a viewer, it isn’t fair. They’ve done that already anyway, remember Brittany and Artie? I refuse to watch them with other people to only get a 30 seconds scene of Brittana getting together in the end.
October 10, 2012 @ 3:07 pm
No, I don’t understand why they’re doing that. They should let them be single so they can focus on the issues that caused their relationship to fail, instead of immediately setting them up for the next one. They are the kind of couple that don’t carry jealousy or resentment, but that doesn’t mean this is an appropriate path for them.
October 10, 2012 @ 3:07 pm
No i’m not okay with it, we don’t want to see someone else on Brittanys or Santanas Side! Brittana are meant to get back together! No one will care to see them with someone else! Brittana Is Endgame