Santa Clarita Diet canceled at Netflix and we are salty about it

Santa Clarita Diet is easily one of the smartest comedies going – so why are we here writing this cancellation article about the show today? Beats the heck out of us.

We have watched season 1 and 2 of the Santa Clarita Diet an unhealthy amount of times. Was it gruesome? Yes, but that was part of what set this apart from not only all the other comedies out there but also the crazy amount of zombies shows out there (yes we know that Sheila hates the word “zombie” but just go with us here). All of that aside, really this show was about a family and how a family finds a way to stick together through even the hardest situations and find a way to make it work as a unit.

Diving into season 3 we were beyond excited because the premise was that we were going to see Sheila ask Joel if he would want to become undead like her and spend eternity together. A very difficult decision that most of the season tackled. We aren’t going to ruin it for you here (even if it’s canceled this is still the best comedy out there and totally worth watching), but needless to say they ended this most recent season on a MAJOR cliffhanger… and then Netflix decided to cancel it and leave us where we are now. Salty and wanting answers.

Santa Clarita Diet video review: Love the show as much as we do? Be sure to check out our season 3 review below and subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more TV reviews and spoilers.

Netflix released a statement about their decision to cancel the show via The Hollywood Reporter, but they really didn’t say why:

“The world had never known a ‘zom-com’ until Santa Clarita Diet, and we’re indebted to creator Victor Fresco for bringing this idea to Netflix. To their endless credit, the incredible Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant were totally game, with an uncanny knack for comedy that brought Sheila and Joel Hammond to vibrant life, even though one of them was undead. We’re grateful to Victor, Drew, and Timothy, along with fellow executive producers Tracy Katsky, Aaron Kaplan, Chris Miller and Ember Truesdell and the terrific cast, including Liv Hewson and Skyler Gisondo, and crew for three hilarious seasons for Netflix members to discover for years to come.”

Star Timothy Olyphant had this to say: “I loved working on this show. I’m going to continue coming in and doing scenes. If they don’t want to film it, that’s up to them”, showing once again that he might be one of the funniest people on the planet. When we first heard that he was starring in this show we really weren’t sure that he was the right fit since we were used to seeing him in roles that were a lot more serious like Justified and Deadwood.

Really what we are the most salty about is that they left us on a cliffhanger that major. If they wanted to end the show then fine, do as you please it’s your show to end and we understand that it’s a business at the end of the day, but at least wrap it up in a way that doesn’t make everyone this angry. Give it at least a movie (like Netflix did with Sense8) to end this in a way that’s respectful to all of us that invested 3 seasons into this show.

What do you think about the news of Santa Clarita Diet ending on that huge cliffhanger? Are you as salty as we are about losing such a great comedy? Leave us a comment in the box below.

This article was written by Jessica Carter.

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