Big Brother Canada interview: Damien Ketlo on eviction, Dane’s ‘betrayal’

Damien Kelto

There’s no question that Damien Ketlo is the most-popular player on Big Brother Canada 7at least if you’re basing it on the reaction from the audience at home. He was very likable throughout, he never let the game get to his ego, and he also offered up a unique First Nations perspective that this show rarely ever has. His eviction during the second part of the Double Eviction last night was sad, especially since he didn’t have time to campaign and he never seemed to realize that the Pretty Boys alliance was happening — he ultimately just didn’t know how screwed he was the moment the numbers started to whittle down.

Before we dive in further into the interview, a couple of things to remember. Since Damien is on the jury, we cannot ask him anything that will give elements of the game away — because he wasn’t in jury house during this interview, he doesn’t yet know about the Pretty Boys. With that in mind, we also can’t (unfortunately) help him out to get to the bottom of things he doesn’t quite know about. It’s really incredible in a way how production is able to get these houseguests through the interview cycle while keeping them in the dark.

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CarterMatt –  How are you feeling about being a part of the jury?

Damien – [Following] the events of yesterday, but also after coming off the block numerous times and being the first one on the block in this house, I’m glad I got this far.

Who do you feel the most betrayed by at the moment?

I feel the most betrayed by Dane, my hockey brother. I thought he had my back and then he went and put me on the block.

Why do you think the houseguests decided to evict you?

I guess I didn’t make the guy alliance known enough to them, or I wasn’t solid enough. Also, just keeping Kyra over me — that’s a person who could potentially get taken to final two, which could solidify a win or make a win easier.

Do you wish that you had a little more time to campaign for your life in the game?

Yeah, for sure. There were conversations after the final PoV happened; I wish I could’ve had those conversations, but it seemed like the writing was on the wall in hindsight. At the end of the day, Adam put me up, Mark put me up, and now Dane put me up. Something’s going on behind my back and it revealed its true self yesterday.

If you could ask one question right now to a houseguest still in the game, who would it be, and what would the question be?

I’d ask Dane why he did it, and why he didn’t he bring me into this circle that he was playing into this whole time. I didn’t do anything to him; why was the favor not returned?

How would you sum up your Big Brother Canada experience?

It was awesome! It was terrifying (laughs), but it was a blast at the same time and everything in between. I was honored to be a part of Big Brother in general — it was such a privilege, and everything that went on with Canada’s vote and being able to pull out a PoV … also, just telling my story and giving a voice and being an aboriginal role model throughout. It was an honor.

Who do you think will join you next in the jury?

Let me see … I think Mark will probably join me next.

For more Big Brother Canada interviews…

We have one with Estefania at the link here!

Were you rooting for Damien this season on Big Brother Canada? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: Global.)

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