Call the Midwife season 8 episode 5 preview (PBS): An intersex story
One of the things that Call the Midwife has found a great way of doing over time is figuring out how to tell stories that could actually still be told today. They’re just viewed through a particular lens of place and time. You’re going to see a young woman within this episode, for example, learn that she is intersex, and there are certain views and treatments for it then. There’s also still a need for further education on this subject today, as there are many people all over the world with this condition who live within a certain degree of silence, fear of judgment or a lack of understanding. Then, there’s another case that will befuddle many of the characters around Nonnatus in a way we have not seen in a while.
For a few more details, check out the official Call the Midwife season 8 episode 5 synopsis courtesy of the folks over at PBS:
Join Trixie as she cares for a young woman who is diagnosed with an intersex condition. A pregnant woman’s husband begins experiencing inexplicable pain similar to her symptoms.
So what else is coming up for some of the characters on a more personal level? Let’s just say to prepare yourself for what could be an emotional, fascinating story for Lucille as we have a chance to see a story for her develop — and take some rather unexpected turns in the process. This is a story that, for her, is going to carry through for much of the rest of the season.
In general, we will argue that one of the best things about Call the Midwife this season is that it really does a good job of giving us a bit of personal insight to many of the midwives. While we do not want to spoil anything too huge within this article, be prepared for some of the most gut-wrenching Valerie Dyer material we’ve seen on this show yet when we get around to the end of the season. It’s going to give you so much more of a sense as to who she is.
Overall, we’d describe the tone of episode 5 as devastating at times, but also enlightening and hopeful at others? Basically, you’re going to get everything rolled within a neat little Call the Midwife package in a way you often do.
Want to get some more news regarding Call the Midwife?
Then remember to head over to the link here! Now, let’s give you a reminder that Call the Midwife season 9 is officially happening — not only that, but it’s actually already in production!
What do you want to see when it comes to Call the Midwife season 8 episode 5? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: PBS.)