Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: A mystery third nominee

Big Brother Canada 7

Late yesterday in the Big Brother Canada house, something happened that we definitely did not expect — as it turns out, that tape recorder within the Archive Room actually meant something! It’s a little bit ironic, but that may have actually turned out to be a better advantage than the Blood Veto for the better part of this season.

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Here are the facts at the moment — because of a new Secret Assassin power found in the house, there is a third nominee for the week … and that nominee is officially Cory. That happened yesterday evening in the game. Now, either Cory, Estefania, or Damien is going to leave the game this week. The clear winner in all of this is Damien, who goes from probably leaving to probably staying if the course of the votes stay the same.

Meanwhile, the big loser in all of this is clearly Cory, who suddenly now becomes the target. Anthony put in SO much work to try to ensure Mark didn’t nominate her, and he went along with it and nominated Este instead. However, it now doesn’t matter now. Adam, Kyra, Dane, and Anthony are the only four people voting, and it seems as though Adam, Kyra, and Dane all want Cory out of the game. There have been some conversations about splitting the vote in weird ways to create some paranoia, but we do think that this is stuff that people won’t stick with. Given how little margin of error there is this week, it’s better to just go with a secure plan.

So who found the power?

It’s not 100% confirmed, but it does seem like Adam is the person who has the most evidence on his side. We saw little snippets of him with a black light on the feeds, and there was all sorts of drama before that with a tape recorder being in the archive room. Clearly, it wasn’t Cory who found it, and it’s also clear that it wasn’t Anthony since he would’ve nominated Kyra over his own ally. Anthony’s been very unhappy since the nomination happened, and has tried to both campaign for Cory and act super-confrontational to the other guys. He’s acted like he will beat any of the Pretty Boys in the final four, and he’s also gotten a lot of pushback from Adam, who feels like Anthony is trying to intimidate them and clearly, he’s not intimidated by him at all.

While all of this is happening, Mark remains obsessed with trying to find a way to make himself feel better, including by thinking that two people are leaving this week. We don’t think that.

For more news on the live feeds…

Be sure to head over to the link here now! Also, remember to share your thoughts on this new twist in the game in the attached comments. (Photo: Global.)

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