Blue Bloods (Danny & Baez) vs. Wynonna Earp (Wynonna & Nicole) – Crime Dynamic Duos 2019

Welcome to CarterMatt’s Crime Dynamic Duos for 2019! The goal for this tournament is pretty easy to explain: Recognizing some of the best crime fighters in all of television. The word “crimefighter” can at times have a loose interpretation, but for the sake of this tournament, we’re referring to it mostly as cops, lawyers, or investigators who do their best to take down some pretty bad people and fight to help others. They’re the sort of characters you typically admire, and they have an aspirational quality to them along with them being entertaining.

Within this piece, we’re getting close to the halfway point of round one! While we’ve seen some underdogs pull off some surprising victories so far, this one is all about the established favorites. In one corner, you’ve got Danny & Baez from Blue Bloods, a show that is all about stopping crime in the most traditional sense. Meanwhile, in the other corner you’ve got Wynonna & Nicole from Wynonna Earp, a show very much about pushing the limits about what stopping bad guys can look like and be.

If you’ve been around for past editions of Crime Dynamic Duos, then you know a thing or two about how this works — at the bottom of this article is a poll to vote for who you want to see advance! One duo will, and at the end of the month, we’ll officially crown the champion in all of their glory.

How voting works – Vote however often you would like! (Technical instructions for multiple voting can be found right above the poll.) We will keep this poll open until Friday, April 19 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time, and the winning duo here will be facing off against either Andy & Ryan from Station 19 or Michaela & Jared from Manifest — that’s going to be a fantastic final eight showdown, one that will pave the way towards someone making it all the way to the final four.

You can see the full bracket (including start dates for each individual round) in the graphic at the top of this article.

The competitors

Danny & Baez, Blue Bloods (#3 seed) – What’s at the forefront of any great dynamic duo? The ability to work together in order to take on any obstacle put before them, and that’s something that we’ve seen these two take on time and time again. There’s a lot of passion behind what they do and there’s also a mutual understanding that comes from them being on the job for so long. They balance each other out, and Baez also remains a great, non-biased friend for Danny. She can give him advice that maybe the remainder of his family cannot.

Danny & Baez have performed well in Crime Dynamic Duos before, but never so great that they have made it to the end of the competition. This is a chance for them to see if they can climb over that hump and really work their way into the promised land. They’ve got a good chance this year if they can survive this level of competition.

Wynonna & Nicole, Wynonna Earp (#2 seed) – While they may not be traditional partners by any means — Wynonna Earp is far from a cop — we do think that the writers have done a nice job of carving out some great WynHaught stories over the past few seasons. When these two are working together, they’re able to approach some of their problems in very different ways. With Wynonna, she can approach things with a sense of the supernatural world and the sense of anarchy that can come with it. Nicole, meanwhile, brings a great sense of order. They’re almost like Captain Planet in that with their powers combined, they can do great things!

Will the two combine their powers on their way to a victory this time around? We’ll see what the results of the poll pan out to be.

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