‘Jersey Shore’ season 6 premiere review: An eye-opener … or a yawn?

Before the final season of “Jersey Shore” even started off on Thursday night, we heard all sorts of people sitting around and complaining about all sorts of things, such as the fact that the show was going to be boring with the cast growing up or that the spin-offs have ruined the flow of things.

From the get-go this premiere Thursday night, there was something that was off, and this was even with trying to dive into this show with an open mind. We really wanted to think that this show could still be funny and/or entertaining, but it was reality TV only in the loosest sense of the word. Snooki pretended as though she and JWoww lived together for reasons other than a reality show that they made money for, the cast continued to act in general like they were normal people, and they also pretended that they hadn’t really talked to each other much in the past few months.

Then, we get to the actual action, and it was really in a word boring. All of the women are dating someone, and they have been for long enough so there’s no relationship drama of the fun variety. In addition to that, we had Snooki not drinking due to her pregnancy, and The Situation not doing so because of his recent time in rehab. From a personal standpoint, we are more than happy for the both of them given that these are big steps for someone to take in moving forward with their lives. However, it is a big change for a show that is typically about immaturity. There really was no story at all in this episode outside of Sitch apologizing to his roommates over some of his behavior the past few years, and Deena crying because she missed her boyfriend. At the very end of the show, we saw an attempt to manufacture some drama about Snooki wanting to go out to Karma while she was still with Jionni, and then the two fighting about when Jionni changed his mind and Snooki didn’t want to go to be the token “pregnant girl” in the club.

We know that there was another episode of the show airing Thursday night, and we’ll have more on that later. The honest truth is just that we can’t really sit through two straight episodes of the season. We still think that the characters here at the strong, but there’s no substance to back it up. We’d much rather at this point have a more honest show that showed off their real lives rather than eight millionaires trying to play roles that they are too mature for at this point.

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