Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results (day 17)
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From the moment her HoH reign began, Chelsea had Kailyn in her crosshairs … for slightly misguided reasons. She seems to think that she is one of the biggest threats known to mankind within the house, when really she is the most expendable person from that side. She’s too outspoken, too unwilling to bend, and she can’t hide how she’s feeling for a long period of time. Sure, she’s manipulative, but she is also incredibly transparent. There’s nothing that she can do within this game that will turn the tide.
Yet, Sam chose to use the Power of Veto on Kiki (arguably the best actual target for this week), which means that now Damien and Kailyn will be on the block until Thursday. What Damien needs to do at this point is fairly simple: Absolutely nothing. Chill out, get some good sleep, and try to hang out with as many different people as possible. Don’t even talk game unless someone brings up the subject to him. The only reason Damien should even fight is if he starts to sense the tide turning on him. Kailyn is the sort of player who will campaign hard and likely sink her own ship to the bottom of the ocean. There’s no big argument for the majority of the house to keep her since she doesn’t have anything that they need. The only thing that she can argue is that Damien is a physical threat … but he hasn’t actually won a competition and is pretty low-key around the house.
The alliance between Kiera and Estefania — a.k.a. Young Blood — is entertainment gold sometimes. For example, take after the Veto Ceremony today where they congregated and proceeded to sarcastically speak about how “loyal” they are going to be to Sam and Chelsea now. Kiera realizes that she was just a pawn in a larger plan and isn’t going to give Chelsea or Sam an inch in terms of an actual alliance. Their loyalty is to each other … but then also to Dane. That’s where their alliance loses some of its luster. They’re partnering up with someone who is showing himself, time and time again, to not be on their side fully. They’re the backup plan behind the Pretty Boys and they can’t see it. If there’s a real reason for either Kiera or Estefania to get access to that Leon’s Lounge, it is to get this GIGANTIC wake-up call that Dane isn’t really with them and they gotta pivot their game. Their entertainment gold could become fools’ gold in the game otherwise.
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