‘Glee’ season 4 spoilers: Will Naya Rivera face a ‘Break-Up’ cliffhanger?

Remember when we had some bad news earlier in the day concerning two couples that are for sure going to be splitting up during Thursday night’s “Break-Up” episode of “Glee”? Well, let’s just say that it is about to get even worse.

According to a brand-new report from E! News, one of the major stunners that we are going to see during this installment is that there is going to be at least one relationship that ends in a cliffhanger … and to make matters worse, producers are going to make us wait around for weeks and weeks until the show returns from its baseball hiatus until we have an answer.

So could could this couple be? As we’ve said all week, there really are only four possibilities: Rachel and Finn, Brittany and Santana, Kurt and Blaine, and Will and Emma. As for why so many of these people are splitting up, there are really a few reasons for it:

1. It’s realistic. After all, most couples in high school do not end up going the distance.

2. It’s a creative move, since there really isn’t that much you can do with characters that are in long-distance relationships … especially when there are so many other options for stories down the road.

3. If they do get back together down the road, it will make that reunion all the more powerful.

There is also one other thing about this episode that is interesting: during this episode one person currently at McKinley could be going somewhere else, while a person currently elsewhere could be going back to Lima. We can’t really say anything more than that, but it should be interesting to watch.

What couple do you think is going to be the target of the cliffhanger here?

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