Death in Paradise episode 8 episode 4 video: Coffee plantation problems

Death in Paradise

Death in Paradise season 8 episode 4 will be arriving on BBC One this weekend and judging from the sneak peek below alone, we’re going to be in for another notable case.

This time around, though, we’re shifting from a murder case involving newcomers on Saint Marie to people who are very much familiar with the land. To be specific, we’re talking about a powerful family at the center of a coffee plantation — the sort that feels ripe to star in any potential primetime soap out there.

This is where Benedict comes into play. Following the death of his father, he will be in charge of trying to steer the plantation towards a better future — which, in his mind, means selling it. If he doesn’t think that there is all that much in the way of a tangible future for the place, he wants to get out of dodge and sooner rather than later. The thinking here makes a certain degree of sense, so we understand why he would want to move the plantation in this direction from a profit standpoint.

Yet, not everyone else in the family is going to agree with his decisions — or at least the lack of communication that exists with some of these said decisions. That seems to be the basis for the sneak peek (that CarterMatt has for you below), as Benedict clearly needs to sit down and have a discussion with some members of the family before officially rendering a final verdict.

So where does the murder come into play?

Well, at some point early on, you’re going to see Benedict die, and there should prove to be a rather enormous list of possible suspects among the family! There could be people who didn’t want him to sell the plantation, and then also people who may have had an ulterior motive and saw all the drama as a reason to strike when the iron is hot. They were likely willing to jump on this opportunity, and trying to figure out who some of these people are could be a challenge for the investigators at the heart of this mystery.

Ultimately, we imagine that there are going to be some exciting times ahead in this case — it seems very much within the wheelhouse of what Death in Paradise does best, and we absolutely do love a good mystery. Few shows do them better.

Related News Be sure to get some other news right now regarding Death in Paradise, including more details from this episode

What do you most want to see when it comes to Death in Paradise season 8 episode 4? Be sure to share right now in the comments. Be sure to check back tomorrow, as we’ll have a new review of what transpired. (Photo: BBC.)

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