Celebrity Big Brother 2 live feed spoilers: Did The Mooch leave?

Celebrity Big Brother season 2

Tonight, Celebrity Big Brother live feeds officially kicked off and with that, we were looking forward to learning the Veto winner! Before we got any game-related information, though, there was some fun and games including cards and then also women congregating together around a tub.

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Of course, we wanted there to be information on the Veto winner right away, but instead we learned something else shocking: Anthony Scaramucci, a.k.a. The Mooch, has left the game. This was confirmed by the houseguests questioning why his photo wasn’t grayed-out yet. So while it does see as though The Mooch is gone, there’s no concrete information as to why or how he left. Ryan Lochte talked a little bit about potentially having to nominate someone else, so that means that he wasn’t evicted from the game — he either walked or was expelled.

This is a fairly-common fear within the Celebrity Big Brother game — celebrities always have a tendency to leave the show early. They have less of a reason to stick around there. That’s especially true for someone like The Mooch, who has a good bit of money outside the show and doesn’t really need to be there.

Assuming that he’s gone, though, one thing feels fairly clear — this is an enormous blue to CBS and their hopes to turn Celebrity Big Brother into a repeat of what we saw last year. We know that they probably wanted a lot of Trump Administration talk from someone who had a role there, but now, they’re presumably not going to have it. The show will probably turn into something a little bit more similar to regular Big Brother because of that, but we welcome it given the fact that there’s so much politics in the real world. This is the one real break away from it.

Given how much confusion there is in the house, it doesn’t seem as though Mooch’s exit was altogether dramatic — maybe he just got caught up in something that he didn’t want to do on TV and left. It’s hard to speculate on it.

Related News Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to the show!

What do you think about the Veto winner in the Celebrity Big Brother house for this week? Share right now in the attached comments, and stay tuned to get some other news. (Photo: CBS.)

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