Supergirl season 4 episode 10 review: Does anyone remember Kara’s secret?


Tonight, Supergirl season 4 episode 10 offered up a lot in its big return to television. For starters, it offered up a battle between Supergirl and Colonel Haley. Also, we were reminded further that Brainy is terrible at dates.

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For Supergirl, she found herself in a very difficult spot tonight — she realized that she was no longer with the DEO, but still wants to find ways to be a hero. Yet, at the same exact time Haley was desperate to uncover her secret identity. She was upset over the fact that Kara was still following her own path and not just following along with everything that she did or said. She wanted to learn the truth about who she was, and things got a little more complicated when the aliens at the center of this episode had a proven connection to her past. As it turns out, she was involved in a number of experiences on them and this led, in turn, to more questions as to whether or not she should even be at the DEO, all things considered.

Alex was ready to quit, but she made a decision to keep fighting and being the DEO’s moral compass. Unfortunately, shortly after that it was clear that Haley had interrogated Kara’s secret out of one of the other agents. A mere matter of moments later, the DEO was under attack from the few remaining aliens the likes of which we saw earlier. Kara ended up saving Haley’s life! Yet, moments later it was clear that she didn’t really care all that much since she immediately tried to completely overtake the DEO from Alex and tell Kara that her life was over.

Then, Alex punched her in the face, and then after that they called J’onn over so that he would wipe her memory. He didn’t take the responsibility lightly, but recognized that this was something that the DEO needed from him at this particular moment. Unfortunately, this was only a temporary solution.

The permanent one

This was the twist that we didn’t see coming — J’onn wiped Alex’s memory, as well as everyone else who didn’t know the truth about Kara. It was the only way to keep her safe given that Haley was out to find out the truth by any possible measure she could. This was devastating, to put it lightly.

Brainy makes an offer

After what happened in the fall finale, we learned that he was very much invested in continuing to work with Nia Nal. Of course, him trying to invite her out to dinner ended up being interpreted as a date, mostly because Brainy doesn’t know how to channel anything that is on his mind. We do think that he’s interested in her, but that is taking a back seat at the moment to him wanting her to use his powers for good as a part of Supergirl’s team.

The state of James and Lena

They are doing a little bit better than they were in the first half of the season, mostly because they are actually communicating in some capacity now. Yet, it does remain clear that they have a lot of other stuff to work through.

CarterMatt Verdict

We didn’t really love the alien “adversary” at the heart of the episode, but at the same time we have to say that the central twist was dramatic and then some. We never expected that Alex would forget the truth about her sister and this sets the stage for a very different path for Kara moving forward — one that is going to be difficult to digest.

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What did you think about Supergirl season 4 episode 10 as a whole? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: The CW.)

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