Chicago Med season 4 episode 12 spoilers: Dr. Manning in a helicopter crash

Natalie Manning

Based on some of the first details that are out there regarding Chicago Med season 4 episode 12, one thing feels clear. We are going to have one of the most trying Natalie Manning storylines of the entire season! The character is in danger, and it will be up to Will and some other characters in order to help her.

Related Chicago Med video! – Check out some more discussion regarding the most-recent fall finale in the video at the bottom of this article. Also, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more insight and take a look at our series playlist.

At this point, we feel like a number of Chicago Med characters, including Will, know a thing or two when it comes to health crises of their own. What makes this one a little different is the simple fact that at the center of this story will be a helicopter crash. It’s not something that anyone at Chicago Med could prepare for and following that, they’ll just have to assess the aftermath … while trying to take on a number of other problems at the same time. While we’re sure that every single character would love to help Natalie in her predicament, the reality is that patients come in when they come in. There’s not a lot that characters can really do about that.

Below, CarterMatt has the official Chicago Med season 4 episode 12 synopsis for you with some other insight on what lies ahead:

01/23/2019 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Wednesday) : Dr. Halstead rushes to rescue Dr. Manning after she is involved in a Medevac helicopter crash. The personal drama between Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Bekker boils over. Dr. Charles and Dr. Choi work to help a patient come to terms with their addiction. April helps Elsa deal with the loss of her first patient. TV-14

Beyond the Natalie storyline, we do think that the April – Elsa one could prove to be a little bit more notable than anyone would first imagine on the surface. Elsa is a new character and by and large, she hasn’t been altogether likable. Yet, at the same time she’s still human and this will be something that hits her hard. April is the perfect sort of character to help her through it, largely because she often feels things in a raw, relatable way. She’s shown a real ability to care for others that goes beyond just being a nurse and we wish that the character has an opportunity coming up where someone is going to be able to show some of that care towards her. The storyline with Ethan right now is a trying one just because he seems to be moving forward.

Related News Be sure to check out some more news regarding Wednesday night’s Chicago Med episode

What interests you the most about Chicago Med season 4 episode 12 overall? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments and stay tuned for more. (Photo: NBC.)

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