Should the Doctor Who – New Year’s Day special be the only one?
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As we are starting to look past this Christmas Special, though, there are a number of different questions worth wondering. Take, for example, whether or not this is going to be the only special that we get for New Year’s Day. Are we about to see this become the new annual tradition?
At the moment, the one thing that we certainly feel comfortable in saying is that this is not the plan. We don’t think that Chris Chibnall say in a room somewhere and decided that there was a reason to just do New Year’s specials for the entirety of his time on the show. This creation of this special feels a little more of a function of him deciding that he wanted to do something a little bit different and gravitate towards an idea that he thought was different and with that, exciting. It was a chance to change things up and we think that occasionally, doing that can be a lot of fun.
With that being said, we do hope that the series returns to Christmas Day in the future since it is such a big part of the brand and it’s something that we personally look forward to every year. We’re not altogether certain that we need to start seeing the show flutter around between a number of different holidays, whether it be Easter, Halloween, or something else. The problem is that there is a disparity between many holidays depending on where you live. Many in the UK are not either celebrated or important in America, and the same can be true here vice-versa. We think that Christmas and New Year’s are such a nice stable in that these are programs that are more or less celebrated no matter where you are in English-speaking countries. That’s why we don’t see the series deviating all that much from those.
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Do you think that the Doctor Who – New Year’s Even special should be a one-time thing? Be sure to share now in the attached comments. (Photo: BBC.)