Where is the Doctor Who 2018 Christmas Special on the BBC?

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Where is the Doctor Who 2018 Christmas Special? We certainly would understand why there would be some viewers wondering this on Christmas Day.

Related Doctor Who video! – Check out some more thoughts regarding the end of season 11 + season 12 scoop below! Be sure to also subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more news on the series.

However, as it turns out there is a specific reason why we’re not getting one this year, which is the first time that we’ve ever been able to say that in quite some time: Chris Chibnall, the showrunner for the series, has some other plans. He opted this year, instead of doing the typical Christmas Special, to give us one on New Year’s Day instead. The bad news here is clearly that there is no special today; however, the good news on the other side of this is that there is something coming up in a week. The general sentiment behind switching to the New Year’s Special seems to be, at least for this year, that there wasn’t a good idea driving a Christmas Special this time. They didn’t want to just do the special because that’s what everyone expected. Instead, they want to actually do a Christmas Special when they have something substantial to put out there. They want it to matter rather than it being an also-ran.

Basically, what we’re trying to say is that the Doctor Who Christmas Special will most likely return at some point in the future — we’re not getting it now but, at the same time, we are more than likely going to be getting one at some point down the road. The next time we could feasibly see a new special is next year, but we’ll wait and see on that given that we are not getting any proper episodes of Doctor Who until 2020. That was announced in the aftermath of the big finale for season 11 a little bit earlier this month.

So while we cannot gather ’round the Tardis today with messages of holiday cheer and goodwill, we do hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday! If you are located in the United States, remember that there is a marathon of Doctor Who episodes that is airing over on BBC America. With that, you’re going to have an opportunity to check out all sorts of awesome stories featuring some of your favorite iterations of The Doctor over the years. Otherwise, we hope you have some old episodes stored away that you can watch this time with all of your friends and loved ones.

Related News Check out the preview now for the New Year’s Special!

Are you bummed that there is no Doctor Who Christmas Special this year? Share right now in the comments. (Photo: BBC.)

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