Blue Bloods season 9 in 2019: Hopes for Jamko, Danny, and more

Blue Bloods season 9

When Blue Bloods returns with more of season 9 in 2019, what are some of the things that we should see? Within this article, we’ve got some ideas! The show will be back in the early January, and within this piece we’re taking a character-by-character look as to how to further along some of these stories. There’s a lot of fun stuff that the writers could explore — alongside, of course, some of the series, character-based stories that we’ve seen so far.

For Jamie and Eddie – The wedding should be a priority for the two moving forward, but we don’t think we need to rush to see the ceremony itself when there are so many other notable things that the show can touch on. Think in terms of the wedding-planning process, whether it be picking groomsmen, the bachelor / bachelorette parties, or planning out more of the honeymoon. There is still a lot of great ground that can be explored here!

For Danny Reagan – The obvious hope here is that he finds a little bit of peace when it comes to the Delgado situation and Linda’s death. It’s been a little bit off the radar since the last time Lou Diamond Phillips was on the show, but we have to think it will be important again in due time.

For Maria Baez – It would really just be nice for her to have some sort of spotlight story this season, given that she’s been extremely quiet so far in season 9.

For Erin Reagan – Our New Year’s resolution for her is that she continues to use her new position to enact change … but also that there are some more great stories for her and Anthony together. Their relationship is almost always a highlight.

For Frank Reagan – Just give him a chance to spend time outside of the office, or allow for some changes in his personal life!

For Henry Reagan – Can we get a cold case or something that causes Frank’s father to get directly involved in an investigation? Anything to give the character more screen time.

For Nicky Reagan-Boyle – Hopefully, there’s nothing else that she has to deal with coming up in the bad-boyfriend department. We’d really rather have something for her that is career-focused. She is at that age now where she tries to piece together the next phase of her life.

Baker, Gormley, and Garrett – The more we get to know about them personally, the better the show will be as a whole.

What do you want to see when it comes to Blue Bloods in 2019? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments.

(Photo: CBS.)

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