Blue Bloods season 9: When should Linda loose end be addressed?

Blue Bloods season 9

While we’re always left to think about many different things when it comes to Blue Bloods, the biggest question that we have is fairly clear: What in the world actually happened with Linda’s death?

If you recall, earlier this year Lou Diamond Phillips’ character of Delgado made it very clear that the cartel was responsible for the death of his wife and that it wasn’t some malfunction or accident as he previously thought. This was something that was hinted at back during the premiere, but now it’s being blown up and carried over to new heights. Is it possible that all of this is just Delgado blowing smoke, and doing just about everything that he can in order to get under Danny’s skin, we do personally think that there is something more here.

With that in mind, when could Danny actually take all of this on, headfirst? There is a part of our brain that likes to imagine that this is something that he’s already working on, or that he at least has some people looking into it and we just haven’t seen anything on the show yet because there’s been no progress. Yet, it has to still be on his mind … yet? If Blue Bloods was a little bit more of a serialized show, we imagine that it’s something that we would’ve seen come up more in some capacity over time. The biggest reason why we really haven’t heard all that much is just because all of these episodes are largely independent of each other and have to be viewed that way for syndication purposes. It certainly is strange that this is something Danny isn’t really talking about (this is his wife, after all!), but this is just the way that this show is. It’s hard to really have a way to get around that.

With that in mind, we’ll probably heard a little bit more about the Linda story / what could be coming up next for it at a time where there is a substantial bit of content on the subject. Given that we haven’t heard too much as of late about it, a good timetable here could be either in February or March — we don’t want to wait until the finale rolls around for more, mostly because it doesn’t make sense that Danny would go that long without finding something more out.

When do you think some of the major Linda loose ends could be addressed moving further into Blue Bloods season 9? Be sure to share some of your thoughts now in the attached comments.

(Photo: CBS.)

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