Macy’s Parade 2018: Rita Ora, John Legend on why lip-syncing happens


Earlier today, Rita Ora got in the headlines when she was caught clearly lip-syncing during the 2018 Macy’s Parade. It was a humorous moment more so than an embarrassing one, largely because it’s hardly a secret that almost everyone at the parade mimes the words to their songs. It’s not out of laziness — instead, it’s just a limitation that comes with being a part of the parade. It’s hard to really deliver a performance that is authentic in those conditions, and without the proper equipment in order to make that happen.

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After the parade, this is something that John Legend (who also was clearly lip-syncing during his own performance, though without the same snafus) discussed in a post on Twitter:

Fun fact. We all have to lip sync on this parade because the floats don’t have the capacity to handle the sound requirements for a live performance. Hope y’all enjoyed it anyway. Know that if you come to my shows, the vocals are 100% live!

This is something that Ora agreed with in a comment of her own:

Fun fact [John Legend] thank you for clarifying what I was about to also tweet. It’s annoying for us but anyway! All my shows are 100 percent live always have been! When you come to a ORA show get ready! Back to holidays! Have a good one guys!

Basically, there’s not all that much artists during the parade can actually do in order to stop this issue, other than just not appear — but, if that happens, you do end up missing out on the opportunity to get the exposure. How many people really care about the lip-syncing anyway? We’ve always turned it into a fun game, one where we just try to identify some of the people who do the worst overall job of lip-syncing and trying to look authentic. (Ironically, we don’t think either one of the entertainers mentioned here takes the crown for that — instead, you gotta give it to Diana Ross, who earlier today showed up and clearly didn’t care at all about trying to follow the music.)

Early on during the parade telecast, there was a chance to hear some live singing courtesy of one Kelly Clarkson, who was performing on a still set and therefore didn’t have to lip-sync like many of the other people did.

In the end, if you are still upset over the great lip-sync snafu from earlier in the day, maybe there are some other ways to spend Thanksgiving. It’s silly and ultimately, just a part of the tradition.

What do you think about all of the lip-syncing that happens during the Macy’s Parade, and does it bother you at all? Share right now in the comments. (Photo: NBC.)

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