The Little Drummer Girl episode 4 preview: Charlie’s next decision

Little Drummer Girl

As we move into The Little Drummer Girl episode 4 coming up on BBC One, two words are indicative of it: Next steps. Charlie is still alive, and that is very good news given some of her previous mistakes and the situations that she’s found herself in. There are some characters out of the picture already, but somehow this does not make Charlie’s path forward any clearer within the spy world. Does she proceed with the plan and wait for Michel’s people to arrive, or does she opt to go in a different direction?

Below, CarterMatt has The Little Drummer Girl episode 4 synopsis for you and it offers up some additional insight as to what is coming up next:

In London, Kurtz’s team prepare for the next stage of the operation as Charlie waits and wonders if Michel’s people will make contact.

This episode is going to start off with Becker finding Charlie in a difficult spot, one where she will be tortured and unsure as to what to do next. Alexander Skarsgard is going to do what he can in order to help her, but how much will he be able to? Because of the history that Charlie formed with Michel during the mission, she’s in deep — perhaps too deep. She’s going to have to work over time to maintain her cover and keep up the illusion of how she should feel given the circumstances. This is the biggest test of her undercover training, especially since one wrong move could lead to her immediate death. This episode will introduce you to some dangerous people, including a radical woman named Helga who may not be altogether keen to trust someone like Charlie.

In the end, one of the questions Charlie will be left to wonder as she works her way deeper into this operation is whether or not all of this is worth the greater good. Is helping the many worthwhile if it means hurting the few? When it comes to Michel, there are some things that already cannot be undone. There are many ethical questions that have to be asked by those in the spy-game and this installment will force her to confront many of them. We hope, at least by the end of this episode, that Charlie will be able to figure much of this out for herself. It’s not like she’s going to have all that much time to determine her allegiance and role in what is to come; there are only a few more episodes left in this series, and that means that things have to move along at a rather-rapid speed now. Isn’t that one of the nice things about British series? They never draw things out all that much.

Related Be sure to check out some other information and insight on The Little Drummer Girl now.

What do you want to see coming on The Little Drummer Girl episode 4? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: BBC.)

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