Better Call Saul season 5 premiere date hopes for Bob Odenkirk – AMC series

Better Call Saul season 4

Following tonight’s finale, what could the Better Call Saul season 5 premiere date be over at AMC? We’ve got more speculation within this piece!

Let’s start off by answering the inevitable question, just in case you haven’t heard: There will for sure be a Better Call Saul season 5 over at the network. That was confirmed weeks ago (before season 4 even premiered), though it may as well have been confirmed months before that. This is one of the network’s most-successful series, it has a lucrative deal with Netflix, we really do think that even if AMC ever canceled it, someone else would acquire it in a heartbeat. It’s just too beloved a show for a network to ignore it.

As for when it could premiere, that’s a little bit hazy. With most other shows, the easy assumption to make is that they will premiere about a year after the most-recent season. Yet, Better Call Saul as a series has never operated in as much of a straight line. It tends to take a little bit more time between seasons; there has been a hiatus of more than a year between the start of every season to date, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if this happens again and season 5 premieres in the fall of 2019. Heck, we wouldn’t be shocked if it returns in the winter of 2020. Our hope is that a late summer 2019 launch date is possible, but it doesn’t feel responsible to guarantee that.

Don’t expect any firm news on a Better Call Saul season 5 premiere date anytime soon, either; AMC will likely not reveal this until 2019. Just rejoice in the fact that there are four seasons to go back and re-watch while you wait. We’re fine with Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould, and the rest of the team taking their time so long as the story is worthwhile. It could be an interesting season ahead, especially since Giancarlo Esposito has been booking other projects. What does that mean for the inclusion of Gus Fring moving forward? We think he’ll be back, but to what extent remains to be seen.

When do you want the Better Call Saul season 5 premiere date to be? Share right away in the attached comments below! (Photo: AMC.)

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