Fear the Walking Dead season 4 finale: Did Morgan head to Alexandria?
After this season took a little bit of time suggesting that the show could end with some of the characters taking off to Alexandria, the place Morgan ultimately wanted to go back to, the final episode may have disappointed some out there. Instead of heading back to the setting of The Walking Dead proper, what we saw tonight instead was that the remaining members of the group heading off to a denim factory, a place where they may be able to take on Polar Bear’s mission moving forward of trying to help people in just about any way that they possibly can. We’ve learned over time with this series that this is not always a particularly-easy feat, but they want to give it a chance.
So will the majority of season 5 be set around this factory, or feature the characters back out on the road? For the time being, executive producer Ian Goldberg had the following to say via Entertainment Weekly:
It’ll be a little bit of both. What we see at the end of the season here is that their mission is to go out into the world and help people. They will be using Al’s tapes as a guide to find those people. They’ll find some other people along the way, but they’ll also realize that, as Strand said, finding people won’t be easy. They are in short supply. So, they have a strong mission that their rallying behind but who knows what obstacles they’ll hit on the way to do that, and what inhabiting the river mill will look like with the new purpose?
Do we still think it’s possible that we see some of these characters eventually go to Alexandria? Sure, especially since we saw so much conversation around it. Yet, it may not be permanent … or there may be some other way to orchestrate a brief crossover.
Related – When is season 5 going to premiere on AMC?
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