Supergirl season 4 spoilers: The role of Nicole Maines’ Nia Nal

Supergirl season 3 episode 13

There are many things to be excited about when it comes to Supergirl season 4, and Nia Nal is certainly one that is drawing headlines. She is on a trajectory that will eventually lead to her being Dreamer, the first transgender superhero on any television show. Beyond just that she is also working towards being a successful reporter at CatCo and also a friend to Kara Danvers.

So what made this particular character (played by activist Nicole Maines) such an important addition to the show? Representation is a part of it, yet at the same time the idea here was to also find someone who was able to bring something to the table that was similar to what Kara was able to bring the first season as a new hero. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, here is what executive producer Jessica Queller had to say on the subject:

“I can’t believe we found an actress who just magically has the same effervescence and essence [as Melissa Benoist].”

The plan is for the writers to take their time before eventually turning Nia into Dreamer, mostly because there are challenges that she will learn as a reporter in the early going. That’s something that fellow EP discussed further:

“We’re telling a lot of stories of what’ll be happening in National City as a result of things that happen in the season opener. She’ll be reporting on all that there is and kind of learning from both Kara and from James … There are things that happen in this season opener that kind of propel the whole season forward, and the rise of the Children of Liberty and Agent Liberty [Sam Witwer], and she gets very involved with that.”

Season 4 is very much about taking on forces that seek to divide us, and figuring out ways to come together in the aftermath of it.

What do you want to see when it comes to Nia Nal on Supergirl season 4? Share right now in the attached comments!

Also, remember that you can like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other news right away when it comes to the series! Its a great way to stay on top of all of our Supergirl scoop! (Photo: The CW.)

Nia Nal

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