Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony; Tyler – HoH controversy (day 76)

Big Brother 20

At around noon in the Big Brother 20 house today the Veto Ceremony took place, and with that, we know how the rest of the week is going to go … in theory.

Kaycee opted today to not use her Power of Veto and with that, Scottie and Haleigh remain on the block with one of them seemingly leaving the game. Yet, we don’t want to spend a whole lot of time on this today since this was basically a foregone conclusion.

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Instead, let’s break down the controversy that has taken the internet by storm the last fifteen or so hours — Tyler apparently breaking a rule during the Head of Household Competition when he briefly took his feet off of the disc. This is something that was, per the edit last night, a part of the rules of the competition. While it’s possible Kaycee misspoke about the rules of the competition in the Diary Room and CBS aired it, the way the show presented them makes it clear that he should have been eliminated.

Yet, what can production do about it now? Let’s assume that the rules are in fact what we heard and that Tyler won incorrectly. It’s a tough situation because it’s hard to conjure up a situation that’s fair. There is an argument for giving Haleigh HoH, but at the same time you have to wonder if Tyler getting eliminated when he seemingly broke the rules would have altered how the other people remaining performed. We think that Haleigh probably would have won, but you can’t replicate the exact circumstances. There is a part of us that just says you replay the competition from the time of Tyler’s violation with the remainder of the houseguests — it’s probably the most fair solution we can think of, but even still it’s hard to replicate things exactly and that would require a ton of legwork from production.

Could you also do a totally new HoH Competition and turn Thursday into something that feels more like a Double Eviction? Sure; this would at least be entertaining.

In the end, we don’t foresee production doing a whole lot here just because it would be them admitting to a big mistake on their part; yet, it would be interesting to see.

What do you think Big Brother should do on the subject? Be sure to share right now in the comments!

Meanwhile, remember that you can like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some more information regarding the series. (Photo: CBS.)


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