Floribama Shore season 2 episode 9 video: Nilsa takes on Kortni’s ex Logan

Floribama SHore season 2

Want to know what’s coming on Floribama Shore season 2 episode 9 for Kortni? Well, let’s just say that she clearly has a firm supporter in Nilsa.

At the moment on the series, it’s very much clear that there are many different lines being crossed with Kortni’s ex. He’s following her around following the breakup, and as we’ve reported already in the present this case has turned criminal. He’s relentless in his pursuit of her, but the sneak peek below gives you a sense of what Nilsa is willing to do in order to help her out. When Logan calls the house asking to speak to Kortni, she makes it clear that he is not welcome. He already came into the house and scared many of the roommates, and she absolutely does not want him around anymore. She tried to make that clear when she hung up on him the first time, but when he tried to call again, Nilsa then gave him a piece of her mind.

While this is a scary situation that Kortni and some other people in the house have found themselves in, the good news here is that they are at least in a fairly stable environment. There are always producers and security around to make sure things get out of hand, and at this point in production we definitely feel like they are keeping watch for him to make sure that nothing gets out of hand.

Below, the Floribama Shore season 2 episode 9 synopsis offers some other news when it comes to what’s next:

After breaking up with Logan, Kortni is worried she may be pregnant with his baby. Candace and Kortni continue to struggle with their friendship. Jeremiah has some fun with a hook up.

While there is obviously some serious stuff coming in this episode, we do think that this synopsis makes it clear that there will be some comedic moments ahead, as well. This is still Floribama Shore, so it’s not going to change all that much!

Related Be sure to get some other news right now when it comes to the future of the show

What do you think is going to happen on Floribama Shore season 2 episode 9? Share right now in the attached comments!

Also, remember here to like CarterMatt on Facebook to get some other news regarding the series. (Photo: MTV.)

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