NCIS season 16 will move in a Bishop – Torres direction … eventually

Bishop and Torres

Mrs. Carter: If you are rooting for Bishop and Torres to get together on NCISthere is more evidence out there that something like this could happen for them.

However, it’s not going to be happening right away. As any diehard fan of this franchise knows, there’s a history here of will-they-or-won’t-they relationships being dragged out far too long. At times, this is even to the detriment of the characters involved — take Tony / Ziva and Percy / LaSalle as examples of that, given that Cote de Pablo and Shalita Grant departed their respective series before the story arcs could be fully developed.

Related video – Cote de Pablo and Michael Weatherly have a new show! Watch below for more on that, subscribe for more updates, and check out our NCIS playlist.

Speaking via TVLine, show executive producer Frank Cardea confirmed that they are moving the story in the direction of the two characters getting together. However, he also referenced Tiva as evidence that they don’t move too quickly with these sort of thing, so fans of this ship need to  exercise patience.

With all of this information in mind, I’m personally inclined to think that the writers for NCIS are going to start maneuvering Bishop and Torres closer to being an item during this season, but I also wouldn’t be shocked if it was season 17 when they finally decided to give things a serious go. I like to think that they’ve learned from some of their past mistakes enough to realize that you don’t want to wait around forever to get these two together, but it’s important to have the relationship makes sense. It’s also understandable that there could be some resistance to the idea at first, especially when you think about their partnership and the work that they do. Sometimes, workplace romances can be messy (we all know about Gibbs’ rule number 12) and Bishop is an especially-analytical person likely aware of this.

Yet, the heart also wants what the heart wants, so we will see how this unfolds.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to the season 16 premiere!

Do you want to see Bishop and Torres together on NCIS at some point in the future? Share right away in the attached comments!

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