Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: Angela plays Faysal like a fiddle (day 66)


We’re waiting for the Big Brother 20 nominations to come out a little bit later today, and in the process of that, Faysal is still being left in the dark.

Earlier today, Angela made it clear to Fessy that Haleigh was probably going up, something that Tyler suggested in his own super-sly way to Haleigh herself. The way that they’re managing to spin this (remember, Angela and Tyler made a final four “deal” with Haleigh and Faysal) is by saying that Haleigh nominated Angela a little earlier in the season and it only makes sense for her to go up.

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As for who Angela told Fessy the target is, she claims it’s Sam. That’s an easy thing to sell him right now — as a matter of fact, she completely snowed him with it! Angela’s absolutely terrible at jury management, but she does have a great ability to just straight-up lie to someone’s face. Granted, it’s also not like Fessy is a difficult mark here — he convinced himself before talking with Angela that everything is going to be okay. (Narrator: Everything is not going to be okay.)

The incredible thing about Level 6 as a whole is that they somehow manage to come to an agreement week after week without any problem. While they discussed whether to target either Haleigh or Faysal this week, they all eventually decided on the latter — mostly because of the fact that he is closer to JC and Sam whereas Haleigh doesn’t really have any super-close ally other than him at this point. Brett talks to her a lot, but that’s mostly just game … at least at the moment. She’ll probably get whoever comes back from the Battle Back, but that’s about it. The only argument to keep Fessy instead is that if Scottie comes back, they won’t work together — but the players don’t know about the twist and there’s no guarantee Scottie would return.

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