Crime Dynamic Duos: Lucifer (Lucifer / Chloe) vs. Chicago PD (Burgess / Ruzek)

Dynamic Duos 2

Welcome to CarterMatt’s Crime Dynamic Duos 2018! This is the third year in which we’re doing this tournament, which is a way to honor some of the best crime-solvers in all of TV. This tournament runs throughout the month of August, and over the course of it we describe what makes certain pairs the perfect crime-fighting duo while also allowing you to share some of your thoughts on the competition! Each article is accompanied with a description and a poll; the winning duo will advance to the next round leading up to the winner being announced on September 1!

What are the rules of the tournament? Basically, all eligible shows have to still be in the midst of their run on TV as of August 1, and at least one character involved needs to be involved in solving crimes in some capacity. They can be a cop, a private investigator, a federal agent, a lawyer or a high-ranking officer. What matters is that they put plenty of bad people away.

Voting Rules – Vote however often you like! Voting for Round 2 is open until Sunday, August 19 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time; round 3 will kick off the following day. The image at the top of the article should explain everything.

In today’s showdown, we have what could be one of our most competitive showdowns to date with Lucifer and Chloe of Lucifer squaring off against Burgess and Ruzek of Chicago PD.

Lucifer and Chloe, Lucifer (#1 seed) – Lucifer is entering round 2 coming off of the biggest landslide of the entire first round — it managed to win its particular showdown with a whopping 99% of the vote! That should be fairly imposing entering round two; just about any fandom should be aware of the strength of Lucifans at this point. There’s always been a lot to celebrate when it comes to the Lucifer – Chloe partnership. Even if you don’t ‘ship Deckerstar as a couple, their humor and interplay makes them one of TV’s most-constantly compelling couples. Moving into season 4 (which just started filming), we have a good feeling that there is plenty more comedy and conflict to come.

Burgess and Ruzek, Chicago PD (#4 seed) – What makes this round so fascinating is that Burzek also won its round 1 showdown by a huge margin — in this case, 95% to 5%. Both of these duos are entering round 2 with plenty of momentum, and for fans of these two characters in particular, there is a lot to fight for. There’s obviously the romantic side of their relationship worth rooting for, but then there’s also just the hope that moving forward, the two characters actually get some more time to spend together on the job. We’re all for that, given that six seasons in, it feels like the time is right for more Burgess / Ruzek than ever.

Your take

Let us know which duo you want to see advance in the comments below! Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook to get further updates on both Lucifer and Chicago PD in the near future.

I can’t see the poll; what do I do? – If you are on mobile, scroll to the bottom of the page and click to view the non-AMP version. If that does not work, give the poll a moment to load! On some mobile browsers, it may take a moment.

How can I vote more than once? – If you are having trouble casting multiple votes, try switching your browser, your device, or visiting the page under private browsing or incognito mode. There should be many handy guides online explaining how to do so if interested.

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