Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: Kaycee’s last Hacker Comp decision (day 57)


Tonight, life in the Big Brother 20 house remains fairly quiet, but there are a few different things worth noting.

For starters, all evidence is pointing towards an endurance competition tomorrow! We’ll preview this more tomorrow, but for now we think that this is super-bad news for Haleigh since that guys like Faysal don’t tend to fare all that well in these sort of competitions. There are some that benefit the guys more (hanging on a rope, the classic slip ‘n slide), but even with those Tyler and Brett could also be effective.

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Anyhow, tonight Kaycee made it clear that her plan is to cancel out the vote of Fessy for Thursday’s eviction — not that this is a surprise. The majority of the house otherwise is voting to evict Rockstar and Brett’s already planning a way to throw Scottie under the bus. Basically, he’s going to claim that he voted for Rockstar to stay so that he can try to throw Scottie under the bus.

Oh, and there’s also this grade-A bit of trolling on Brett’s part — he is trying to get Rockstar to say in her speech that Angela’s entitlement is on the “6th level.” This is hilarious.

As we’re wrapping this piece, we know that Rockstar still believes that she has a good chance to stay. She’s tried to get assurances from Sam and others and since nobody is telling her the truth, she’s still in disbelief. We’re torn over all of this because we do really like most of The Hive as characters … but seeing so many blindsides week after week is also so much fun. It’s a big part of what has made so many different seasons so great.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to the feeds!

Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other information regarding the CBS series. You don’t want to miss some of our other updates! (Photo: CBS.)


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