Floribama Shore 2 episode 6 preview: Candace drama and relationship red flags
Given what Candace told Aimee tonight, it was even more clear that the drama was going to be boiling over. Aimee actually seemed to be more upset than Candace at the end of the episode for feeling used, and Codi basically walked into to a buzz-saw; after all, he had no idea what was happening. (Granted, he then made things so much worse by arguing with Candace once he got back.)
So what do we know is coming next week? Judging from the preview tonight, Candace is going to be upset about even more comments that are made in and out of the house and is going to be ready to give everyone a piece of her mind over them. Beyond that, we’re also going to have some additional relationship drama when it starts to become clear that there are some red flags that present themselves with one housemate’s dating life. Everyone on this show loves to inject themselves into each other’s relationships, so expect an hour of strong emotions and maybe a little bit of sadness, depending on how it ends.
We are getting now into the meat of the season now, so our expectation is that whatever is brought up now is going to continue to be important the rest of the season.
Related – Be sure to check out some more news when it comes to Floribama Shore!
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