The Flash season 5 spoilers: Caitlin Snow’s mother returning

Caitlin -

It now seems pretty much official that The Flash season 5 is going to be diving into Caitlin Snow’s backstory like never before.

On the same week that rumors started to surface regarding her father showing up on the series, Susan Walters herself confirmed that she is coming back to the CW series to play the role of her mother Carla Tannhauser. This is a character who last surfaced on the series back during the third season of the show, as we started to get some sort of exploration into Caitlin’s powers and her journey to becoming Killer Frost.

Bringing her back now makes sense given that there are more questions as to when and how she got her powers, which seem to have been latent in her before the particle accelerator in the pilot. If we were to create a theory of our own right now, it would be that Caitlin’s father is somehow involved in this and then skipped town in the midst of his guilt over what happened. It’s the thing that makes the most sense given the story that we’ve been told from the start of the series with Caitlin.

We just hope that all of this is eventually building towards an epic, thought-provoking season for Caitlin that really establishes who she is … and that she learns to accept that. This has been a long journey to get her to this point and we’ve seen her question herself and her identity on many different occasions already.

New episodes of The Flash are going to start airing on The CW starting this October. Judging from where the show is in filming right now, we expect to see Dr. Tannhauser back at some point in the episodes that follow the premiere.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Flash right now!

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Meanwhile, remember that you can like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other news when it comes to the CW series. It’s a great way to stay up to date with all of our scoop on The Flash and chat with other fans of the show. (Photo: The CW.)

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