Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: Angela’s nomination plan; what can Bayleigh do? (day 44, late-night)


Tonight on Big Brother 20it was revealed that Angela was the new Head of Household and because of that, she has the chance to lord over one of the most potentially-chaotic weeks to date.

Why is this so messy? It starts with the fact that Bayleigh’s power app is certainly in play … though it may not be all that useful anymore. Since Angela knows she has it, there’s no reason to nominate her outright. Bayleigh can still choose to try and nominate people like Brett and Kaycee with her power, if she so chooses, but the problem that comes along with this is that she has to hope that someone in her alliance gets picked for Veto, they win it, and they keep nominations the same. It’s a pretty slim chance, but it may be worth trying just because of the fact that it’s not really going to help her much next week. Nobody’s going to nominate her so long as it is active — her only other option is convincing everyone it expires early and then use it next week to surprise them.

As of right now, backdooring Bayleigh or Scottie is on the table for Angela, who seems to be down right now with the idea of nominating Faysal and Rockstar. She can tell Faysal that he’s a pawn and since he’s such a Veto beast, that opens the door for a possible backdoor later.

Want more thoughts on tonight’s eviction? – Check out the video below, and be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more!

Now, let’s come to the next order of business here: Seeing if the remnants of the FOUTTE alliance can actually figure out who betrayed them. They’ve speculated Rockstar, Haleigh, and others, but Scottie may be the one who’s really figured out Tyler could be playing them. Yet, the problem is that he said it tonight while JC is in the room, which means that JC is probably going to run that information back to Tyler.

So what will the Hacker Competition do? Judging from what Angela suggested tonight, it may have the power to change a nomination in some capacity — which could render Bayleigh’s power all the more useless. We’ll hopefully have more info tomorrow when we post our weekly Allison Grodner interview.

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