Lucifer season 4: The best way to make a season 5 renewal happen early
Let’s start here by reiterating something that we’ve written in the past: Netflix obviously wants there to be more of the show beyond the next ten episodes. It’s rather difficult to envision them renewing it otherwise. They want to have it stick around and be a part of their schedule for a couple of years. Yet, they also need to test the market and see precisely how well it performs.
Over the weekend at TCA, Netflix’s own Cindy Holland noted that the series’ performance in some parts of the world where it was on Netflix gave them some reassurance that it could perform well for them. It is that performance worldwide that will help to ensure a season 5 happens.
Netflix ratings work a little bit differently than the broadcast counterparts — for starters, every view counts and there are no Nielsen boxes! Meanwhile, it doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 80, since there are no demographics needed for advertisers. The unfortunate thing is that Netflix doesn’t make ratings available to anyone publicly, so we are left somewhat to speculate over whatever the viewing figures are going to be.
What we have learned through looking at Netflix’s renewal strategies over the years is this: They value highly people who complete seasons, given that this means that these said people are going to come back and keep watching down the road. This is why Everything Sucks! was apparently canceled — there weren’t enough people finishing it. Maybe they were going to come back down the road, but they hadn’t yet.
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With Lucifer, binge-watching (or at least relative binge-watching) matters. We don’t think that everyone needs to burn through all ten episodes in a weekend for Netflix to take notice, but if there are a large contingent of viewers who watch every episode within the first six weeks or so of the show’s release, this is going to be huge for getting the show another season. We do think that matters, and so does repeat viewing since that will ensure viewers could stay subscribed so that they can check out episodes whenever they want.
So, all LuciFans out there should be prepared to watch not just once, but multiple times moving forward.
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Katherine Jones
August 10, 2018 @ 1:29 am
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