Poldark season 4 finale: Heida Reed talks big Elizabeth storyline

Elizabeth -

Following the events of the Poldark season 4 finale, how does Heida Reed feel about everything that went down? We should go ahead and warn you that there are major spoilers within this CarterMatt article!

If you’re still with us, then you know that Elizabeth has officially met her demise. This transpired at the end of the episode Sunday, and as a result of her own attempts to induce labor. We don’t think of Elizabeth’s death so much as it being about her trying to please her husband George by making him think that Valentine was his; instead, she was doing everything within her power to give her son a better life. She felt like if she could force Ursula’s birth early, that would make George think that premature births were just a regular occurrence and that this was identical to what happened with Valentine.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happened and now Elizabeth, a major character within the series who has been there from the beginning, is officially gone.

While this death may have been a huge shock to show viewers only, this is something that is clearly spelled out in the Winston Graham books. This is why Heida Reed told Metro that she knew that she was going to be leaving for quite some time:

“I feel like I always knew what was coming, because of the books and how Debbie [Horsfield] had planned to write out the seasons … I knew for a long time, it wasn’t a shock. It was something I knew from the start.”

Reed added that what will be rather fascinating from here is getting a chance to see precisely how George moves forward from losing a woman he did love dearly — one of the few people he genuinely did care about:

“George is not perfect by any means but he really and truly loved Elizabeth … I’m not sure what will happen to him but I think he’ll take it very hard. He’s lost one of the main things that matters to him the most.

“I think it will be very hard for Ross too now that she’s gone. All those kind of ifs that they kept asking each other, even though they were in a different place. At least they did end things on a good note.”

Related Check out some speculation on the future of Poldark

Poldark season 5 is going to premiere on BBC at some point in 2019, and signs point towards it being the final season, at least for the time being.

Will you miss Heida Reed as a major part of Poldark? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

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