Blue Bloods and the show’s tremendous off-season impact

Blue Bloods season 9

We feel like we’ve spent a good bit of time talking about Blue Bloods through the lends of its ratings success during the season. However, there’s something to be said still for some of its success during the off-season as well!

How much do repeat ratings matter for a network like CBS? We do think quite a bit, given that if your shows repeat fairly well, it takes some of the pressure off of a network to deliver new episodes of something virtually year-round. Having Blue Bloods perform well across the year means that the network can routinely use the Friday night timeslot at 10:00 p.m. Eastern in order to promote this show. It generates income for the network while better ensuring that new episodes perform well.

Here is a good example as to just how strong Blue Bloods has been in the ratings as of late. This past repeat on Friday night drew almost 4.3 million viewers, which made it the most-watched show of the night on network TV! Not only that, but this is a better total viewership than some new programming that we saw for some other scripted shows during the week, including major-network programs like Reverie and Salvation. It’s a signal that viewers for Blue Bloods will continue to watch the show at just about any time, and it’s really even more impressive when you think about how many different things that there are to do on Friday nights during the summer. Finding a way to get this sort of viewership at this time is about an impressive a feat as you’re going to find.

For those of you who are eager about Blue Bloods season 9 already, know that filming is underway!

What do you think about Blue Bloods and the tremendous ratings success we are seeing for the series? Share in the attached comments!

(Photo: CBS.)

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